Problem unpacking RT 5.0 archive (64 bit Windows 7 etc.)

Maybe it’s just me but here is the problem as I see it.
I downloaded the above file and tried to install it on 2 separate computers. Both Win 7 64 bit.
I got an error message saying “Windows cannot open this file” on both computers.
I then tried downloading and installing on one of computers the 32 bit version of the same program.
This seemingly worked perfectly.
I the tried downloading and installing RT 4.2.1 version Windows 64 bit.
This also worked seemingly perfectly.
So the problem is specific to RT 5.0 64 bit - at least with 2 of my machines.

Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,

Are you sure the non working file wasn’t partially downloaded? Have you tried downloading the archive again?

Yes. I tried it 3 times.

Here is the error message:

The file hash hasn’t changed since it was uploaded. This indicates user error.
MD5 1a13684291776040261857793c597bef
SHA-256 9b0cb62aa252d1ca3076d7f6e7f0a297c82e5b9ae5fba8e3af6750f35aa0afee

I just downloaded from here. Works fine on Win7/64

@Andrew_Royle Win 7/64-bit? Works just fine here.
Are you really using Microsoft’s zip/unzip utilities?
What if you select Extract all first?

Hmm. I think we can establish that the file I am downloading is OK. It appears to be a problem common across both computers I tested it on.

For the record, I tried 7Zip and Winzip utilities. Here is the Winzip error message:

Does a hash of the zip file match one of the hashes @Morgan_Hardwood posted above?

I just downloaded and extracted successfully on win 7 x64.

I get this for SHA256:

That does not match what was posted earlier.
