Problem with sunset colours

My logic there was your image looked quite nice out of the gate I thought just the sun spot was blown. I messed a bit with filmic reconstruction but it also was hard to get a result I liked and it affected the surrounding sky …I admit I didn’t try exhaustively to mask it etc…but I just for fun popped color reconstruction module on…and it filled in your sun quite nicely …again perhaps unrealistically and so that is why I went to the tone curve…rather than add filmic on top of that…also might have actually got away with some combo of the local contrast and or some diffuse and sharpen modules to get a small bit of contrast…These images are hard to edit for someone else as we do seem to have a wide range of what we as individual see or perceive as pleasing…one mans rat piss is another’s saturated joy… (no reference to your edit or other just a bit of tongue in cheek…) :slight_smile:

The sun is clipped, so truthful reproduction is nearly impossible. That’s what I would do.
Nice image though.

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (11.3 KB)

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (10.2 KB)

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Human color memory is quite terrible!


I have often started to take a short video with my camera in complex lighting and i pan the area. It will auto focus and change exposure and I capture lots of reference points in the area and periphery just to reinforce my memory and try to make it less biased… it might be a waste of time but I think it helps…

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GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (14.8 KB)


GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (12,2 KB)

Just a note that perception of real-life sunsets may be affected by the Bezold-Brücke shift - red hues shift toward yellow when the intensity increases. On the other hand, a computer display probably isn’t bright enough to reproduce the effect.


My version…

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (14.5 KB)


This kind of shot excites me :o

Though I’d whip out the ol’ “experimental program” (that I’m gonna discard and rewrite soon anyway).


They all look quite nice. The ones that are not so nice don’t pass the “Does this sun shine?” test. Perhaps, it is the fault of my tired eyes and poor monitor, but I would say @priort @s7habo fit in the not so good sun category. There are a few others who are less so.

Thanks for reminding me of the term Bezold–Brücke shift - Wikipedia I remember hearing about it but could not for the life of me put a name on it!

Hi Nicolas,

thanks for sharing, gave me a good opportunity to explore the new Flimic v6.

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s_07.RAF.xmp (18.0 KB)

Why is everyone denoising it looks hideous

Denoise profiles are not yet available for the GFX100s… I try to avoid it too, especially when the output is resized down.

My version:

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (34.7 KB)


Here’s my version using DT 3.9:

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (13.8 KB)


Here is my version with Darktable 3.9.

Thanks for sharing,
GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (17.4 KB)

Here is a second version with a slight local correction to the sun.

GFX100S-2022-04-18-21h41min33s.RAF.xmp (19.6 KB)

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I like the use of the graduated density module on your edit Christian.