Processing RAW/DNG images from mobile phones

Opens just fine here in RT. I know darktable has opened DNGs from cameras without explicit support before (Xiaomi Mi Sphere), although I haven’t used it in quite a while. I’m guessing there’s something about that particular DNG it doesn’t like but I don’t know what.

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You should add your lensfun profile to your lensfun installation and then you can use it. It doesn’t have to be accepted by lensfun (but that would be nice).

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Based on what I could glean from Anders’ dcamprof missive, I think this is the matrix that should be amended to camconst.json… @Morgan_Hardwood?

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As previously indicated, I can open this file in Darktable but cannot get it to look very nice. The JPG you developed in RawTherapee looks good. I have RT too and I was aware that it can open my DNGs.

I have started to get vaguely comfortable with Darktable with my main camera. I tried RT a while ago and it looked good. But learning Darktable was already stretching my grey cells to the limit so decided not to try to learn RT too.

I’ve just loaded the image in RT and it does look better and have been able to get somewhere near the vibrancy you achieved in the JPG above.

But for some reason on my PC, the picture is very grainy in RT when I zoom in. It remains high definition in both Darktable and qeeqie. I’m not sure if that is my RT installation on Ubuntu, or maybe its normal and the resulting JPG from RT would not be so grainy.

I will look to upload this RAW sample image as suggested by @stefan.chirila

Thanks again.

It would be great if you provided some screenshots of RT and dt (with version info) to show us what you mean. darktable (the d is lowercase :wink:) has good out of the box profiled denoising but it could be another issue…

Thanks @afre this is the screenshot of a zoomed in section via RTScreenshot%20from%202019-10-06%2019-47-02

It seems clearer in darktable


The zoom level seems to be different. Could you also provide the pp3 and xmp?

Correction geeqie does not display the realme’s dngs only the S6’s. I got confused just now because I had restored the camera’s own jpg and geeqie had paired them. Apologies.

@afre the zoom I used is approximately the same but the graininess is massively better with darktable.

These are un-cropped. I created my screen shots by simply zooming in.

IMG_OCT_20191005_150058.dng.pp3 (10.1 KB) IMG_OCT_20191005_150058.dng.xmp (3.8 KB)

Hey @ggbutcher , it should be the ColorMatrix which corresponds to the D65 illuminant.

This camera uses ColorMatrix2 for StdA while RawTherapee expects ColorMatrix2 to be for daylight - see Derive correct ColorMatrix by checking CalibrationIlluminant · Issue #5126 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub

I observed no difference in the way RawTherapee renders the image nor in the way it calculates the temperature and tint when creating a camconst.json entry for this camera:

        "make_model": [ "Realme RMX1851" ],
        "dcraw_matrix": [ 3516, -938, -625, -3281, 13125, 0, -1406, 4766, 5547 ] // ColorMatrix1 D55 from camera software: Realme/RMX1851EEA/RMX1851L1:9/PKQ1.190101.001/1566479375:user/release-keys

@HimAgain don’t expect the image on your laptop screen to look like the image on your smartphone, i.e. don’t think that just because the image on the laptop looks different or worse than the image on the smartphone then your raw processing software is to blame. The screens on the two devices are most likely vastly different.

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@HimAgain It is important that the zoom is at 100% when you take the screenshots. When the zoom is less or greater than 100%, the quality goes down because the app has to interpolate pixels values. I will let someone else check your work and provide their pp3 and xmp for comparison.

Thank you, i know, but i don’t understand why i have at least 3 good profiles waiting for inclusion since months…

Lensfun, like many projects, is short on man power.

Ah, as opposed to the “media white point” for the Forward Matrix? I don’t see such in @HimAgain’s metadata, so I’m not sure how the ForwardMatrix can be used for his image…

Learn new things every day…

Is it not true that the shelf life of a smartphone is not more than couple of years? This is especially true when it comes to budget phones. On the other hand a digital camera is meant to be used for more than 10 years. So why would the lensfun team, already hard pressed for time, spend time on including profiles which will be used for such a short period?

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Well i don’t know, unfortunatly i don’t know anyone who can commit profiles, but i’m sure there is someone that has write access to the repo, maybe even here in the forum?

Anyway pictures took with a phone will remain even years… in case of my phone i first posted the vignetting profile in a request from november, 2017… and updating every time the xml is quite annoying.

For example i see a lot of lens db commits from sarunasb and junkyardsparkle . I have tried to mail Torsten Bronger to have write access but i got no reply.

And for example another one i made, the one for the Fuji 15-45mm, is the one for a well selling lens since it’s a kit one with really nice performances but really big uncorrected distortion, and being xtrans also ca correction is important since it isn’t autocorrected.

That makes sense to me that a color matrix in camconst.json shouldn’t be necessary if the DNG is reporting color matrix data. Although in this case, apparently handling “atypical” illuminants needs some work from the looks of that bug report?

@Entropy512 agreed that a matrix in camconst shouldn’t be necessary if the raw file already contains one. However, when a matrix is present in more than one possible source, currently it’s a black box as to which gets used, so RawTherapee could be improved by allowing the user to choose the matrix source, or at least to show the source, the same way you can sort-of choose the input profile (it could be improved as well).