Ok, now I need to test the speed changes here.
I’ve been able to modify my package build script, but I had to leave the lab early tonight.
But I’ll post the new binary packages on tomorrow morning
Here are some other tests with a large image of 9080*11550 pixels and these control lines.
Clang is not always the fastest.
tic fx_smooth_anisotropic 60,0.7,0.3,0.6,1.1,0.8,30,2,0,1,10,0 toc
CLANG 6mn 19s
GCC 5mn 57s
tic fx_dreamsmooth 3,1,1,0.8,0,0.8,1,24,0 toc
CLANG 5mn 45s
GCC 7mn 50s
tic repeat 10 fx_circle_transform 50,50,75,50,-2,-2,0,1,3,1 done toc
GCC 31s
tic repeat 10 blur 5 noise 5 negate done toc
CLANG 16,3s
GCC 16,9s
tic fx_fourier_transform 1 fx_fourier_transform 1 toc
CLANG 0mn 28s
GCC 1mn 11s
Some show massive gaps, others are close. Worth some investigation. Especially that FFT which I suspected could be faster.
Could be interesting to try compiling with the intel compiler icc. It has always been impressive in term of optimizations.
GIMP plug-in installer for Windows has been updated :
I’m currently trying to compile with the Intel C++ compiler (now named icx
), and if that succeeds, I’ll make some test to compare the computation time on some filters.
I compared 3 versions Win64 compiled with Clang and this command line:
tic fx_dreamsmooth 3,1,1,0.8,0,0.8,1,24,0 toc
TEST clang version 24112910 David / flags = / time = 7mn 50s
TEST clang version 1 samj / flags = -O3 / time = 5mn 45s
TEST clang version 2 samj / flags = -O3 -m64 -march=x86-64-v2 / time = 5mn 53s
The tests continue with CLANG by compiling GMIC-CLI-3.5.0-pre W64.
Test 1:
The result is quite similar to the test with GIMP 3: 5 minutes 46.621s (5mn 45s for GMIC-QT6-GIMP3)
C:\GMIC-CLI-Version-3.5.0-pre24112906-W64-CLANG\W64>gmic i grosse__image.jpg tic fx_dreamsmooth 3,1,1,0.8,0,0.8,1,24,0 toc
[gmic]./ Start G’MIC interpreter (v.3.5.0).
[gmic]./ Input file ‘grosse__image.jpg’ at position 0 (1 image 9080x11550x1x3).
[gmic]./ Initialize timer.
[gmic]./ Elapsed time: 346.621 s.
[gmic]./ Display image [0] = ‘grosse__image_c1.jpg’.
[0] = ‘grosse__image_c1.jpg’:
size = (9080,11550,1,3) [1200.2 Mio of float32].
Test 2 - 4mn 43.468 s:
C:\GMIC-CLI-Version-3.5.0-pre24112906-W64-CLANG\W64>gmic i test.jpg resize 9080,11550 tic fx_dreamsmooth 3,1,1,0.8,0,0.8,1,24,0 toc
[gmic]./ Start G’MIC interpreter (v.3.5.0).
[gmic]./ Input file ‘test.jpg’ at position 0 (1 image 768x768x1x3).
[gmic]./ Resize image [0] to 9080x11550x100%x100% , with nearest-neighbor interpolation, dirichlet boundary conditions and alignment (0,0,0,0).
[gmic]./ Initialize timer.
[gmic]./ Elapsed time: 283.468 s.
[gmic]./ Display image [0] = ‘test_c1.jpg’.
[0] = ‘test_c1.jpg’:
size = (9080,11550,1,3) [1200.2 Mio of float32].
A version is available for download:
@David_Tschumperle (edit: wrong David)
Not about improving the speed of operation, but just a signal that the old problem has returned in the version of 29-11-2024.