Hello St. Stephen,
Thanks a lot for your reply. I don’t know if AppImages are also confined or if Gimp can store its thumbnails in the normal folder for the file manager to find them there. Whatsoever, I “solved” my problem by using exclusively Gimp’s flatpak cache for all thumbnails:
$ ln -s ~/.var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/cache/thumbnails/ ~/.cache/thumbnails
What puzzles me more is from where you get your RAF thumbnails. In the thumbnailers you posted above there is not even the RAF file format registered as MIME type (image/x-fuji-raf;image/x-raf;). Tumbler shouldn’t even attempt to create thumbnails for RAF files.
Anyway, I set down in the last hours and implemented my own thumbnailer for RAF files. In case anyone is interested:
First create the following bash script in /usr/local/bin/raf-thumbnailer (or any other folder of your liking):
# Thumbnailer for Fujifilm RAF files
# This script depends on the following packages:
# - gridsite-clients for urlencode
# - exiv2 for exiv2
# - imagemagick for convert
# Check for correct number of command-line arguments
if [ $# -eq 3 ]
# First argument is path to RAW file (convert from URI to normal path)
RAW=$(urlencode -d "$1")
# Second argument is output path for thumbnail file
# Third argument is image size
# Remove directory from path
# Remove extension from file name
# Compose path to thumbnail as composed by exiv2
# Change into directory for temporary files:
# exiv2 should store the preview image there when given the argument
# "-l /tmp", but it always stores it in the current working directory.
cd "/tmp"
# Extract preview image from RAW file
exiv2 -ep2 -f "${RAW}"
# Convert preview image into thumbnail
convert -auto-orient -scale "${SIZE}x${SIZE}" "${PREV}" "${OUT}"
# Delete preview image
rm -f "${PREV}"
Then register this script as thumbnailer for RAF files by creating file /usr/share/thumbnailers/raf.thumbnailer:
[Thumbnailer Entry]
Exec=/usr/local/bin/raf-thumbnailer %u %o %s