RawPedia PDF looks strange... again

Hello, same for me…
I have a December 2018 version and the layout is correct, while every time I’ve tried to download a new RawPedia.pdf version in the new year, the layout was erroneous as in your example.
I tried every browser and several pdf viewer/editors, with the same result.


could one of you guys upload the regular looking version pls?

Of course, here it is (Snapshot from December 16, 2018):

RawPedia.pdf (22.5 MB)

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Any ideas on when and if this problem can be fixed?
Or if it’s possible to bypass it somehow?
I would love to print the (last version) RawPedia pdf and study it “offline”

I’m looking into it right now. I’ll post here as soon as I have it worked out. Sorry!

The Wikimedia folks decided to update the vector theme that caused the rendering issues. I’m sorry about that.

I’ve gone through and tried to fix it. It should be better now (hard refresh your browser to clear the cache). If you see anything off still just let me know!

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Thank you @patdavid, looks good. Hyperlinks and inline images (e.g. icons) are underlined, could that be removed?

Now the pdf is correct again!
Thank you so much

Absolutely, let me have a look at removing them.

[update] - Ok, removed underlined links and pushed a new version. Sorry for the problems (I had upgraded wikimedia and they modified some default styles that were overriding what we were doing).

Hello again,

And thank you very much for your efforts.

RawPedia in PDF looks much better now, but there is still quite a lot to do. Please look at the attached screenshot for example:

The blue arrow points to the main (body) text, which is in a serif font, while the bulleted list (yellow one) is in sans serif font. Both fonts also visually appear to be of different sizes. And it’s repeated throughout the whole text.

The same also applies to the titles and subheadings of the chapters.

I realize that it can be considered small and maybe irrelevant things, but it is may be worth improving in the future, if possible.



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Hi: I’m new to Rawtherapee and also to this blog. I to download the most recent snapshot of Rawpedia and found the same issue, would anyone be interested in having the snapshot in a Windows Word document docx.

Unfortunately, DOCX is a proprietary format while PDF is open. I thought @patdavid already fixed it. What is wrong now?

The output is whatever the mediawiki plugin can output.

Nothing wrong, I am in the process of redoing the recent snapshot in docx. But if there is not much interest in docx and the December snapshot is the same as the January snapshot, I will let my redo fade into the sunset and use December snapshot.

MS Word has builtin tools for converting PDF to DOCX.

Yes they do or I could use foxit reader, but if the pdf is not formatted properly (as is the case of the January snapshot) then your output in docx is going to be wrong. But since Marco_Fine and patdavid have fixed the problem I guess there is no need to redo the January snapshot. Just grab the December snapshot and convert it if necessary. Thanks for your replies.


Did not realize that there was an older version (1 month)that I could use. Thought to do it for myself and also share it with the community. Since the older version is fine and it’s easy to convert from PDF to Word there was no need waste my time when I could be doing other serious stuff, like learning how to use rawtherapy.

@jbcollins1957 We are simply curious what the use case is for PDF→DOCX conversion. Personally, I have only gone in the reverse direction.

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