rawproc 1.0 Is Released on Github

Of the two problems I reported earlier one is solved and one has changed:

-Solved: I can now build/run rawproc-1.0.1.tar.gz without problems :+1:
-The appimage, however, does not run on my box:

[stasis] jade ~ $ ls -l $(which rawproc )
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 jan  6 19:16 /opt/bin/rawproc -> /opt/rawproc-1.0.1-x86_64.AppImage

[stasis] jade ~ $ rawproc
zenity: relocation error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18: symbol pthread_attr_init version GLIBC_2.2.5 not defined in file libpthread.so.0 with link time reference
Segmentation fault

BTW: Machine did not melt :rofl:

Zenity. cripes…

I incorporated the first-time configuration/data setup thing yesterday, with some apparently mis-guided confidence in using Zenity for my dialog boxes.

From your shell, does this work:

$ zenity --info --text=foo

That command gives me a nice little Information window, with a lightbulb, foo as text and an OK button. Pressing the button makes it go away.

No (error) messages whatsoever in the terminal.

Thanks, then I’ve made a dependency foo in the appimage that your zenity doesn’t like. I’m updating it now to just work with prompt at the command line…

Ok, download the appimage I just uploaded. It’s the same file name in the release.

Not just yet:

[stasis] jade ~ $ rawproc 
HOME/.rawproc doesn't exist.  Shall I create and populate it (y/n)?y
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
HOME/.rawproc populated.
Segmentation fault

EDIT: It mentions that HOME/.rawproc was populated, but it was not. Its not created to begin with.

Shouldn’t that be $HOME?

I’m doing too many things at once…

I’m guessing it has to do with my cp command:

cp -r ${HERE}/usr/share/rawproc ~/.rawproc

the tilde should probably be $HOME…

Okay, one more time; replacement in a few minutes

one more time, with feeling… :laughing:

Same drill, same filename.

Still no cigar.

The message is slightly different:

[stasis] jade ~ $ /opt/bin/rawproc 
/home/lade/.rawproc doesn't exist.  Shall I create and populate it (y/n)?y
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
/home/jade/.rawproc populated.
Segmentation fault
/tmp/.mount_rawpro5QmPGt/AppRun: 27: exec: /tmp/.mount_rawpro5QmPGt/usr/bin/: Permission denied

The HOME/.rawproc part is now correctly show as /home/jade/.rawproc But as before it is not created, let alone filled.

I don’t know what the stack smashing detected means, but that seems to be the main problem here.

Anyway, take your time I’m going to be away from my keyboard for the rest of the evening. I’ll happily help you further comes tomorrow.

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For anyone following the appimage foo, I regenerated the appimage with the excludelist and posted it at about 4:30pm Mountain Standard Time. Not sure what I’m going to do about it…

Hello @ggbutcher

Thanks a lot for your new release! :slight_smile:

Just tried the GUIs on Windows 10 and it works fine.

Is there some “manual” related to the syntax (for the CMD prompt)?

In essence let’s suppose I have this previous command:
.NEF:rawdata=crop” subtract:camera whitebalance:camera demosaic:ahd blackwhitepoint:rgb,data colorspace:camera, assign rotate:180 “tiffs/.tiff:channelformat=16bit”

What about adding a further step that is:
add 1 step (compensation) in the exsposure

I have clumsily tried to mimic your code and I have added this piece of code but it doesn’t work…:
#as regards the exposure, apply compensation 1(new code separated by 2 commas)

Oookay now, after a lot of ‘research’, I think I have a better AppImage. The appropriate version of glibc is now included (@Jade_NL, let me know if this works), and the ~/.rawproc population logic is now in a better place and better fleshed-out to support various invocations. Specifically, if ~/.rawproc doesn’t exist, the AppImage will offer to create and populate it with the packaged defaults for rawproc.conf, dcraw.c, camconst.json, and version_2 lensfun database.

@prokoudine, I really don’t have a clue as to why it’s not recognizing your RAFs. I don’t think this new AppImage will fix that, but I’m not giving up thinking about it…


In the help file, see the topic “img Command Line Image Processor”. The command summaries are at the bottom of the page…

Edit: exposure:1

Oh, and you can always put a tool in the chain, mess with it, and see its command in Help → Show Command…

Hello @ggbutcher

It works like a charm :slight_smile:

My hat’s off: the documentation is really good!

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It’s how I remember what I did… :laughing:

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It doesn’t fix the issue indeed but I’d suggest to only worry if someone else reports it.


Both things fail.

I now get a nice windowed dialog that shows the doesn’t exists. shall I create with a yes/no option and, after yes a …populated with Ok window. However nothing is created and if I create it manually first it is not populated.

After that I get a mix of these 4 messages, multiple times, before it stops:

/tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/bin/rawproc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)
/tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/bin/rawproc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0)
/tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/bin/rawproc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.30' not found (required by /tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/lib/libselinux.so.1)
/tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/bin/rawproc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libp11-kit.so.0: no version information available (required by /tmp/.mount_rawpros4FZaZ/usr/lib/libgnutls.so.30)

As mentioned way back (reply 6) I’m on GLIBC_2.28.

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Geesh, i wrote that part in a separate file with the cp lines commented out, and I forgot to uncomment them when I pasted it into the AppImage script…

Now, that hurts. I’m not sure I can remove the exclusions for libc without causing other problems. The general recommendation in the AppImage docs is to build the appimage on an old OS version; I’m going to replace Ubuntu with Debian on an old server, so that might be the opportunity…

Thanks for trying…

You’re welcome !

Yeah, but Debian 10/Buster isn’t old, it’s the latest stable version. 11/Bullseye is TBA (probably mid 2021). Then again, Debian is notoriously stable and that is in part because they do not use the lates/greatest versions…

Just in case: I do hope you realise that I’m not dependent on the appimage. I’m happily using the one that I compiled/build/installed, without a hitch, from the rawproc-1.0.1.tar.gz package.

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