RawTherapee 4.2.936 does not support raw files from Canon G16

I am using RawTherapee 4.2.936 (RT 4.2.936 for Windows XP or newer 32-bit - fast) and it will not open any of my raw Canon CR2 files. In contrast Canon Digital Photo Professional opens them all. Does Rawtherapee offer any technical support? For me the software is unusable. Perhaps it does not run on a Windows 7 computer. Most bizarre!


@masmd The version of RawTherapee you tried (4.2.936) probably does not support your files. Try the version linked in this post.

I tried on Win7/64 and RT opened your file. And I bet it will open fine also with latest RT version for Win32

@masmd I changed the topic of the issue to be more informative

I do not understand why my Canon RAW .cr2 files will not open in Rawtherapee. Here is a screen capture of what I see in Rawtehrapee, 4.2.936 on my Windows 7 (32-bit) computer:

The raw file is IMG_2636.cr2. What I see is a black box. The small image at the upper right is the JPEG which was shot together with the raw file. They both open in Canon’s Digital Photo Professional. but I can not open the raw .cr2 file in Rawtherapee. Is there something in settings that is not set correctly?


I have tried this on an XP virtual machine and can confirm the problem with 4.2.936, but after upgrading to 4.2.1074, everything works as expected.

Edit: I made this reply a kind of the same time as Mike published his new post, but I think it is still valid. Version 1074 has no problems.

As @Jacal said: RT 4.2.936 does not support the raw files from your camera.
You have to use a more recent version of rt (e.g. the one @gaaned92 linked in the Issue I mentioned above) to open your raw files in rt. Simple, isn’t it?


@Jacal Thanks a lot for your help :sunny:

@heckflosse, by the way, RT seems to be surprisingly fast and useful on a XP virtual machine. Really nice!

:slight_smile: I spent a lot of time to speed up rt not only for 64 bit cpu. But don’t try noise reduction or wavelets on 36 mp (or larger) raw files using win32 version of rt :wink:

Actually it is NOT simple as you did not send me the URL to download Rawtherapee version 4.2.1074. I do not see this listed at:
Where do I get the correct version?
That download page needs revision as 4.2.936 does not work correctly with 32-bit Windows OS of XP and above.

Here That’s the link from the post I mentioned above.

Download the 6th counted from left side…

Before listing new builds at RawTherapee - Downloads windows builders usually annouce the new builds in this form. And I appreciate this!

Well, now I had to try. After some fiddling (noise reduction, wavelets, as you proposed) with a 36 mp NEF file, RT crashed, and it wasn’t able to open a 50 mp CR2. Still, with my 18 mp files, it works better than it should dare.

The host win7 computer is four years old, with an i5 processor and 16 GB of memory. They don’t get old as fast as they used to. And, of course, congratulations for your optimizations!

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Thanks. But before I download and install Rawtherapee, will it work with raw files for both my Canon G16 and Canon Rebel SL1 or only the G16? I do extensive post-processing on my images, but when I bring up an image in Canon’s Digital Photo Professional shot simultaneously in Raw and JPEG I see no difference in either the appearance or histogram. I know there are more bits in the raw file, but my eye can’t see the difference.


I don’t have a raw file from Canon Rebel SL1 to try out. Why don’t you simply try it?


Mike, just install the latest version. Your EOS 100D has been supported for a long time and you will have no problems with it’s files.

EDIT: I have tried a raw sample from your SL1 camera in RawTherapee 4.2.1074 on a Windows XP virtual machine, no problems.

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Yes, that’s what I meant :slight_smile:

I went to:
Then clicked on the 6th item from the left (last one on top row) and saw a listing of 4 items. However, when I click on the .exe or any other file nothing happens. So how do I download Rawtherapee 4.2.1074, master ?

There’s a download button top right which you can use (the one with an arrow pointing downwards and a line under that arrow)

I need specific step-by-step instructions. I was not able to install Rawtherapee, 4.2.1074.
