RawTherapee Dark-Frame auto-selection picks only 1 file

Hello all,
First message here, I hope I follow the rules for posting.

I use RawTherapee for demosaicing astrophotos.
I have 5 dark-frames that I took right-after the star images : same ISO, same camera, same exposure duration and almost same time (less than a minute difference).
If I select one of them as a Dark-Frame, I can see at zoom level = 100% that it actually worsens the “noise”.
So I hoped that by using the Auto-selection tick box, RawTherapee would average my 5 dark-frames and subtract this average dark-frame to my star picture.
However, it seems to me that only 1 dark-frame is selected (see attached screenshot).
How can I force RawTherapee to average my 5 dark-frames ?

I know that I could create an average dark-frame (or “master dark”) with astro-programs like Siril, but they produce a .tiff file that cannot be subtracted to my raw photo in Rawtherapee. I have already tried, but no effect at all is visible. Perhaps RawTherapee detects the dimension, color space and/or CFA are different and as a result abort the dark-frame subtraction.

Use imagemagick to convert from the SIRIL produced tiff to dng, using the command

magick stacked_dark.tiff stacked_dark.dng

Then use exiftool to copy the tags from an original file with the same exposure settings to the new dng to finish the process

exiftool -tagsFromFile direct_from_camera_raw.RAF -x BitsPerSample stacked_dark.dng

Then in the file browser for selecting dark frames, go to the bottom right corner and switch from “same as current photo(RAF)” to “All files”, and your fake raw dng should appear in the directory.

Hi wincent,

Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I have the same issue; that is, I put multiple dark frames from same camera, iso, shutter speed etc in the darks folder specified in preferences. RawTherapee seems to group them correctly and creates 1 template.

But as you reported, only 1 file from the group is selected when the Auto-selection box is checked.

As far as I know only one file, the best matching one, is selected. If multiple files with same settings exist, only the newest one is considered. As I said, as far as I know …

Sounds like a bug, as there is code to average dark frames

Still an issue… I will first have to learn how to properly report a bug on github…
As a test, I copied one dark frame into a directory, made 3 copies, changed the names, so I expect I have four identical files with only name different. In preferences, select this directory, it finds 4 files, unsure of why it has discovered a template if it has yet to do anything, I have not even selected a light frame. When I do, and go to darkframe, Auto-select then selects only one of the 4 identical files instead of averaging them. Or if it has, it doesn’t tell me, only 1 of the 4 files is listed. I rebooted, created new folder, moved different files just in case the system was remembering previous settings. Even if this never gets fixed, it would be nice to modify the manual to point at the workaround.

And you are using a current development version? The last official release was two years ago…

Latest stable…Version 5.8 commit date 2020-02-04 … so you are about to tell me it’s “old”. I’m quite new to the nightly build concept, I’ve only done one github pull, so it might take a while for me to catch up.

The workaround (stack in Siril → imagemagick → exiftool → fake raw) is pretty simple and only a minor inconvenience, barely longer than waiting for SIril to do global star registration/alignment. At least I can now use RT’s aberration corrections!

“Chasing shadows” that’s what my mentors called Foucault mirror testing when I ground and polished my mirrors way back.

You don’t have to clone, pull, make and build yourself if you don’t want to (or don’t have time at the moment to figure it all out). Just grab the latest pre-build development version from here:

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Thank you for your patience with an “accomplished person lacking specific expertise”. I installed the latest (5.8-3073 = 20220213). Do I run the rawtherapee.exe or the rawtherapee-cli.exe? Nothing in the release notes. Anyway, the “dark frame pics only 1 file” remains. I even used 4 identical files with only the name changed and auto-select gives me only one). I will re-read the “how to report a bug” and submit it properly. I am also getting weird flat-field output but to be proper I will rerun with only one variable changing at a time .

In general you want to run rawtherapee.exe, which gives you a full blown GUI. The cli version can be useful, for example, when doing batch processing or if you have a series that can use the same sidecar when processing and converting to your desired output. It comes with a whole set of options: RawTherapee CLI

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Ah! Thank you for the clarification and link. I can see the value in it (I enjoy time-lapses). I must have jumped that part when I skimmed the documentation as I was focused on just figuring out my basic needs.

I went to the GitHub for Rawtherapee and searched open issues (https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/issues). Yes, both the dark frame and flat field have open issues. Saved me from bug reporting. Regards.