Rawtherapee scaling 4k monitor

nope, can you upload it to dropbox or gdrive?

Sorry, I’ve no account there but you can download a dev version with installer from here: https://keybase.pub/gaaned92/RTW64NightlyBuilds/RawTherapee_dev_5.4-795-g6f6cdd113_WinVista_64.zip

here you go



issue I see: the overlay mouse tips are flashing like crazy.

The crazy flashing mouse tips happen also in RawTherapee_dev_5.4-795-g6f6cdd113_WinVista_64.

Thanks for testing. It’s still not perfect and the theme needs some finetuning.
The flashing tooltip is a known issue of the new GTK+3.24. I hope it can be fixed soon.

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plz can you help me, why do I see all DNG files purple? In stable version too

I’m sorry, but I can’t help you by this problem.
I suggest to create a bug report at: https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/issues
and provide as many information as possible like:

  1. How did you create the DNG file
  2. Example file

PS: What’s the font size you’ve set for the screenshots? (I guess it’s 8?)

I haven’t touched font size.
Win 10 scaling 120%

I mean the font size in RT preferences. Can you check, please?
Please try with Win 10 scaling 100% and RT font size 9.

Screnshots above are 150% scaling and font size 10

below is 100% scaling and font size 9 (pretty much unusable-super small)

Here’s another test theme. It’s a bit finetuned for helping you until RT will support HiDPI
TooWaBlueTest-192dpi-2-GTK3-20_.css.txt (53,8 KB)
Remove the .txt extension

You can set the scaling of the icons by yourself if they are to small or large. Open the file in a text editor like Notepad++, it’s freeware. (Don’t use the window text editor) .
Link: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

At the bottom of the file you will find the following line:
-gtk-icon-transform: scale(2);

Change the number to the scale factor you want.

-gtk-icon-transform: scale(1.5); means 150%
-gtk-icon-transform: scale(2); means 200%

Don’t use the Win 10 scaling higher then 199%. This will end up with a blurry image.

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Another update.
TooWaBlueTest-192dpi-3-GTK3-20_.css.txt (55,5 KB)
Only works with latest developement version.

Feedback is welcome.
I want to know system scaling and RT font size.
Screenshots from filebrowser and editor.

thank you, below the screenshots
Win scaling is at 150% (my default)

this one looks very good and balanced

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Thanks for the feedback.
… and again a new version. :slight_smile:

TWB-theme & Icons.zip (327,1 KB)

The ZIP file contains version 4 of the test theme and an extra set of icons to fix the small combobox arrow.

Copy the folder scalable to RT in \share\icons\Adwaita

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I didn’t know that I can upload huge files here.

EDIT: I think you didn’t restart RT when switching a theme but this is required.
Looks like the current dev version is too old. There are still some glitches. Gaaned is traveling, thats why we don’t get uptodate nightly builds so I compiled myself.

RawTherapee_TWB.zip (73,0 MB)

This is the dev version of RT from today. No installer included, it runs out of the box. Cache and settings are saved into “%localappdata%\Rawtherapee-dev”
All theme files are included. Default scaling multipier is set to 1.5 (150%). If the icons are to big/small change the multiplier in the theme file TooWaBlue-GTK3-20_.css

Open the file in a text editor like Notepad++, it’s freeware. (Don’t use the window text editor) .
Link: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

At the bottom of the file you will find the following line:
-gtk-icon-transform: scale(1.5);

Change the number of the icon scale multiplier to the Windows scaling.

Windows scaling 150% -> -gtk-icon-transform: scale(1.5);
Windows scaling 125% -> -gtk-icon-transform: scale(1.25);

Don’t use the Win 10 scaling higher then 199%. This will end up with a blurry RAW-image and thumbnails.

The TWB-HiDPI theme is not included in the repository of RT and it’s only for evaluation and testing.

thanks, here the screenshots (still getting purple DNG…)
Win scaling is 150%


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Hi do you have a new RT build with the theme?

The latest dev builds can be downloaded from here: RTW64NightlyBuilds/ – Keybase.pub “RawTherapee_dev…”
Replace the TooWaBlue theme with this: TooWaBlue-GTK3-20_.zip (9,7 KB)

At the end of the theme you’ll find these lines:
Change dpi and font size to your settings

The devs are working on an automatic solution but this can take a while. If you want to test it you’ll find it here: RTW64NightlyBuilds/ – Keybase.pub “RawTherapee_hidpi-icons…”
It’s still under developement.

thanks Dev works perfect

Instead of replacing the original theme use this file: TWB-dpi-GTK3-20_.zip (286 Bytes) and select TWB-dpi in the preferences as theme.


Now you can update your existing installation at any time 'cause this file won’t be overwritten and you are always using the correct original theme. Change the theme name to the theme you want to use.