RawTherapee to GIMP: Keep RTv4_sRGB or convert to GIMP built-in sRGB?

hallo Glenn Butcher,

these lcms I found in my PC, which should match?

Iā€™m going to let @gaaned92 answer, as heā€™s probably more familiar with what GIMP linksā€¦

Folks, note that @micha is using Windows and likely using a pre-built binary.

I never built a Windows GIMP and I have not the least idea what LCMS2 dll version is linked with the binary used by @micha.

Even for my nightly builds, I am not able to identify afterwards what were the dependencies packages version. Back from vacation I will think how to keep track of all dependencies versions.

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Hallo ganed92,
please donā€™t stress yourself. I donā€™t think it has anything to do with lcms. It is a problem of Gimp 2.10.20 and the RTv4_sRGB profile. Different profile or different Gimp version: no problem.

I was referring to lcms2 version 2.11 and Gimp version 2.10.xx. Recently on Linux I reported crashes in Gimp when lcms2 was still in version 2.10. When my Linux distro got the lcms2 2.11 update, the crash was fixed.
Maybe the bug was only for Linux systems, but I thought Iā€™d mention it just in case.

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My Problem with Gimp 2.10.20 and RTv4_sRGB is solved!

I replace the DLL: C:\Program files\GIMP 2\bin\liblcms2-2.dll
by the one you can get here:
lcms2-2.11-dll-win64-gimp.zip (246.2 KB)
The issue is solved, definitively GIMP is using the bad version.



Hello, does anyone know how to tell the gimp-makers about the bug?

Yes, open an issue here:

Hallo Tobias,
thank you very much. I saw the Gitlab. But Iā€™m totally swamped here. I donā€™t have an account there either.
Anybody wanna do it for me and for Gimp?
Here again the description of the bug:
In Gimp 2.10.20 (Windows) is lcms2 2.10, this has a bug und has to be replaceb by 2.11

Itā€™s better if you open the issue, because then you can answer questions if there are more.

Ok, thank you.

The Gimp devs are aware of the issue with lcms2. It is them who advised me to updated lcms2 to version 2.11 when I filed the bug on their gitlab repo. The bug is not in Gimp, it is in lcms2 and has been fixed.
Now, it is up to the Gimp packager(s) to distribute the latest lmcs2 dll in their windows packages, but I donā€™t know packaging issues are to be filed on the Gimp gitlab or somewhere elseā€¦

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hallo sguyader,
Oh, thank you very much. I just tried to report the error on gitlab/gnome. But I couldnā€™t. Iā€™ll let it go and hope the packers get the information anyway.

Hereā€™s my original bug report on the Gimp gitlab: Gimp crashes manipulating layers of images saved with come ICC color profiles (#5432) Ā· Issues Ā· GNOME / GIMP Ā· GitLab (closed as it is not a bug in Gimp but in lcms2)

And a link to the archlinux bug report, showing that it is a matter of packaging the right version of the lcms2 library: [solved] Seg fault starting GIMP / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums

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