Recommended hardware for version 4.4.2

Its not software but a manual tweak of the opencl settings. I would have to go back and read the manual and also compare with what has been done recently as some of the code was just changed but it might not impact things and if you are just running the latest release you would be okay….

This section explains the manual tweaking you can do… you edit the darktablerc config file….

My experience was the same, back when I tried tuning OpenCL. pinned transfer was definitely bad for NVidia, the clroundup had some effect, I think. Micro-nap just made my UI a bit laggy.

I had this old thread. Some of the params were not present, and they were configured differently, so take care:

I don’t see the micronap setting in the darktablerc config file. Appdata\local\darktable\

That’s because:

Now, all of those parameters are in one line, as described in the manual, which I linked above:

Since darktable 4.0 most of the OpenCL-related options are managed with a “per device” strategy. The configuration parameter for each device looks like:

cldevice_v4_quadrortx4000=0 250 0 16 16 1024 0 0 0.017853 20.000

or, more generally

cldevice_version_canonicalname=a b c d e f g h i j

Look for a line starting with cldevice. micro_nap is the 2nd parameter (b) in the list. Do not expect miracles from it.

It’s worth a try. What would I change here. .
cldevice_v5_nvidiacudanvidiageforcertx2060=0 250 0 16 16 128 0 0 0.185014 0.000

Did you read the manual we linked?

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So, the line with'gtx1050 is for your old card. You should simply delete that one to reduce the confusion. The rest of those have gtx2060, so are for your new card.

You are looking for a line that resembles what the documentation says, and what I have quoted above. I’m intentionally not telling you which one, so you put in the work and learn.

cldevice_v4_quadrortx4000=0 250 0 16 16 1024 0 0 0.017853 20.000

or, more generally

cldevice_version_canonicalname=a b c d e f g h i j
Look for a line starting with cldevice. micro_nap is the 2nd parameter (b) in the list.

That was for an older version of darktable (the documentation is a big lagging behind), so the version won’t be _v4_, but _v5_. Only modify the 2nd parameter.

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Yeah, I needed to go to work a bit here. I tried the micronap setting at “0” . the change if any is barely noticeable. I’ll just leave it at 250. Perhaps someone has a similar graphics card and found settings that improve performance.

Until then. .Things are so much better overall, so I have no complaints.

So it might not be something you just notice and in fact it can be with things like exporting that you see the most improvement as DT already tries to optimize display and previews but exporting is the full high quality pipeline… so I am not sure how you are testing but you can run a file and and xmp from the command line and it will show you what processing steps were used and how long each one took… so this is how you can gauge if any changes are improvements… I cant recall but you might also have to restart DT so see the impact of any changes…

You can see the process explained a bit here and you can just use one or two of your images and try any xmp with any set of modules… It can be good to put a few taxing ones in there to see if there can be improvements…

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