Red picture on a mac computer

Hello Guys !

I’ve been gifted with a Mac and i’m looking forward using rawtherapee as I’ve been doing for a while now on Windows.

RT 4.2.1 is opening .CR2 files from my Canon 750d properly on windows. The same picture opens reddish on Mac with the same version. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? (an example below)

For your information, I’m using OS X 10.12 (Sierra)

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regard,

Hi @Aurelien

4.2 is not supported, get RawTherapee 5. If the problem persists in RT5, upload the raw file.

OP seems to be on a mac; are mac builds for 5 available yet?

Someone was asking on Reddit too.

Sadly it seems there is no build on Mac available for now.

I am afraid I don’t have the skill to build it by myself.

When will they be available?

Ask @partha, as far as I know, he has build something for Mac

EDIT: I’ve found this:

Thank you @TooWaBoo, I’ve downloaded and launched RT 5 successfully thanks to you. The version 5 of the soft has solved my problem, pictures appear normally.

Thanks a lot guys, the more it goes and the more I love the open source community. You did a great job !