Release of G'MIC 1.6.8


I am using Gimp 2.8. I wish I could use GMIC on GIMP 2.9! But all I have gotten from my attempts to compile GMIC for 2.9 is crashes (and GIMP 2.9 has other serious problems such as tablet input not working at all if it’s using evdev driver, so I prefer to ignore 2.9 for now.)

Anyway that’s an aside expressing my frustration;)

To be precise:

  • GIMP 2.8.15 (installed Aug 14, 1:19pm. Probably commit 597fae39b4911b6e6e201e711f6de86cb6548f10)
  • Running on Arch Linux x86_64
  • Development version of GMIC – installed Nov 12, 10:24am, so, I guess, either commit b3663db348f8fab2f9a824b059b8125879205895 or commit 4c50c1ae9bfa09a919c0899c362742d129c5b3ca

I’ll try updating my builds of both GIMP and GMIC, and report back. I should mention that this particular issue has affected me for basically the entire time I’ve used GMIC ever, so it’s not a new issue, I just finally decided to report it.

EDIT: Ah, I reproduced the behaviour you are showing. You are working on an RGB image. Indeed, with an RGB image there is no problem. Try converting the image to Grayscale mode (Image->Mode->Grayscale) before you run the filter.

Ah correct ! Thanks for noticing that, I’ll fix it asap. :slight_smile:

It looks better now, after :

Yeah, works well :slight_smile:
Another little bug report: I’m not sure if it relates to channels-application in general or only to Morphological filter, as I seem to recall encountering it with other filters.

Anyway, it is:

  1. Load a greyscale image in GIMP
  2. Make sure it has an alpha channel (via Layer->Transparency->Add Alpha Channel, and probably also erase some parts so there is actual variation in Alpha channel)
  3. Select Morphological filter, with settings “opening”, 2, Octagonal, RGBA(alpha).
  4. Apply the filter.

Result: Alpha channel is correctly filtered AFAICs;Greyscale channel is darkened (easily seen by repeating the filter)

Doing the same operation on an RGBA image works correctly (no channels are unexpectedly darkened).

I suppose selecting RGBA (alpha) on a greyscale image is a bit strange, but there is no YA (alpha) option, and I believe it still makes sense to do so.

Thanks David for reporting!
Commit :

should fixes this bug.

Hi David, may I ask you a link to your web page ?
I’d like to add you as a contributor to the G’MIC project for your numerous bug reports! :smile:

Haha, thanks :smile: Personally I think that my github profile would be the most relevant link to GMIC users, since it links a collection of gimp plugins and my GMIC stuff will eventually go up there too. I don’t currently have anything more personalized than that.

Guess what, I have another.

I think this is also GIMP-plugin-specific.

’Colorize (Interactive)’ interacts badly with selection


  1. Select region in middle of picture
  2. Open GMIC, select ‘Colorize (interactive)’
  3. The selected rectangle is shown, as expected
  4. Put some color marks down
  5. Hit Enter to process fullres

Result: the output is a layer, positioned at top left of the full image, which is empty in regions outside the selection, and has content inside any area that is within the selection. This content is placed as if the selected region were in top left of the picture; to align it with the content it is supposed to be colorizing you will usually need to move it down and to the right.

In case the previous paragraph is unclear, there is a visual demo here

Expected result: The output is first aligned to the top left corner of the selection, and then masked. Alternatively, generate results matching the size of the full image, in which case masking it by the selection should also produce a correct result.

EDIT: Have tested in both RGB and Greyscale modes, same result.

Hi David.

There must be something else… I’ve reproduced your steps and it works for me, both in RGB and color.

Tried with an alpha and without. Works the same.
Only when I select ‘2 output layers’ makes a difference (the image is entirely replaced by the processed selection instead), but this is somehow “technically” intended.

Hmm… I should have specified the settings I used:

  • Output: New layer
  • Input Type: Lineart
  • Output Type: Colors only (1 layer)
  • View Resolution: Medium

I was accessing it via a bookmark, but accessing it directly in Black+White section has the same result.
I can provide a test image, but AFAICT it occurs for all images (I just made a new white image and scribbled some black lines, it had just the same problem there.)

Since you mentioned testing with and without alpha, I checked that too; it makes no difference.

I also checked all ‘output type’ options, it occurs for all of them.

Version of GMIC is git c995d4d; I’ll upgrade to the latest when possible.
Version of GIMP is git 586d698 (2.8 branch).

Anyhow it is more of an inconvenience than a major problem; I can work around it by selecting ‘output = new image’, copying the resulting image, and using GIMP’s ‘Paste Into’ command to insert it into the selected pixels.

OK that was the ‘New layer’ option that allows to reproduce the bug.
Thanks, I’ll investigate that !

Ok that should be fixed. No need to recompile, clicking on the ‘Update filter’ button from the plug-in interface should download the working version of the filter.

Yep, I just checked, it works fine now!

So if I understand the fix correctly, the problem was that the name of the input image was not being stored (and the name of the output image set, when the main operation is complete)? That obviously has some greater meaning to the G’MIC plugin than it does to me :slight_smile:

Yes, actually, the names of the different image layers passed to the G’MIC core by the plug-in interface contain information about the main layer features: position, blending mode and opacity.
In this case, the position of the input layer (here, the selection) must be kept and set back for the output layer.

What was done before is that the position of the output layer was set to (0,0) (default), but as you had a selection, you were only seeing the intersection between the output layer and your selection :smile:

Monday 12/07/2015 : Final Release of 1.6.8 !
Enjoy !

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This may be a small point, but I can no longer find an instance where an example - usually a math parser example - runs off the right hand side of the page of the G’MIC Handbook (gmic_reference.pdf). Maybe no one else would ever comment on this, so I felt duty-bound to wave the flag – Hip-hip, Hooray! Like the color-coding, green for emphasis, blue for item lead-ins; It is easier to locate particular bits of notation now.

No hard data to substantiate this, but this seems to be an especially quick and trouble-free release. A good closing to the year, David! – Garry

Hi Garry,
Thanks for the kind comment.
I hope everything is going well for you.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

David, is there a command line equivalent for the “Colorize (comicbook)” filter found in GIMP? I’d like to be able to automate using the CLI by providing lineart.png, colors.png and get a “flats” png out the other side…

Yes, you should be able to do it like this :

$ gmic lineart.png color_strokes.png -gimp_colorize_comics 1,0,0,0.05 -o result_merged.png

Change the smoothness parameter 0.05 if necessary.

I would wish that it can something similar, but to paint image in sequence.

Similar to GTS for opentoonz