Release of G'MIC 1.7.9

If the code for preview is removed, this filter works. (with two layers):

In G'MIC 1.7.9:
        #@gimp Deconvolve : jeje_deconvolve, jeje_deconvolve
        #@gimp : Iterations = int(20,1,100)
        #@gimp : Algorithm = choice(0,"Richardson-Lucy","Gold-Meinel")
        #@gimp : Sep = separator(), Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical","Duplicate top","Duplicate left","Duplicate bottom","Duplicate right")
        #@gimp : Sep = separator(), note = note{"Need two layers (top layer is the blur)<br><small>Author : <i>J&#233;r&#244;me Boulanger</i>. Latest update: <i>2016/22/02</i>.</small>"}
        -if {$2==1}
        -deconvolve_goldmeinel[0] [1],$1 -n[0] 0,255
        -deconvolve_richardsonlucy[0] [1],$1 -n[0] 0,255

In G'MIC 1.8.0
    #@gui Deconvolve : jeje_deconvolve, jeje_deconvolve
    #@gui : Iterations = int(20,1,100)
    #@gui : Algorithm = choice(0,"Richardson-Lucy","Gold-Meinel")
    #@gui : Sep = separator(), Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical","Duplicate horizontal","Duplicate vertical")
    #@gui : Sep = separator(), note = note{"Need two layers (top layer is the blur)<br><small>Author : <i>J&#233;r&#244;me Boulanger</i>. Latest update: <i>2016/22/02</i>.</small>"}
    -if {$2==1}
    -deconvolve_goldmeinel[0] [1],$1 -n[0] 0,255 
    -deconvolve_richardsonlucy[0] [1],$1 -n[0] 0,255  

Bottom layer must be deconvolution kernel / psf. But the algorithm takes big steps with every iteration. the image gets darker with each iteration. With goldmeinel this is worse than with richardsonlucy.

Is code like this readily available? It would give me a rough understanding of how the other filters work.

All the code is available on github.

Sorry for asking so many questions. If this is the wrong thread, let me know and I will make a new one.

I am still having trouble finding the filters listed in on GitHub.

E.g., I tried searching for Artistic / Smooth abstract (command '-fx_smooth_abstract') using the search terms smooth abstract under dtschump/gmic-community. The closest match I could find was gmic-community/zart/presets.xml. Googling dtschump smooth abstract yielded the same result.

Is there a file in the GIMP G’MIC installation that contains all of the code for these scripts?

Hello @afre,
Actually, there are two different places where G’MIC filters are defined:

So when you are looking for the code of a particular filter, you basically have to browse these two places.

EDIT : Note that all these filters are then compiled into a single G’MIC command file, available on your drive, at $HOME/.config/gmic/update180.gmic (on Linux) and %APPDATA/gmic/update180.gmic (on Windows), but these files are a bit less readable, as they have been simplified in some way to save bytes (comments have been removed for instance).

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On my Windows system I find them in:

You can create a custom filter file: user.gmic (windows)

for G’MIC 1.7.9 , you can create the following:

#@gimp user

#@gimp Deconvolve : jeje_deconvolve, jeje_deconvolve
#@gimp : Iterations = int(20,1,100)
#@gimp : Algorithm = choice(0,"Richardson-Lucy","Gold-Meinel")
#@gimp : Sep = separator(), Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical","Duplicate top","Duplicate left","Duplicate bottom","Duplicate right")
#@gimp : Sep = separator(), note = note{"Need two layers (top layer is the blur)<br><small>Author : <i>J&#233;r&#244;me Boulanger</i>. Latest update: <i>2016/22/02</i>.</small>"}
-if {$2==1}
-deconvolve_goldmeinel[0] [1],$1 -n[0] 0,255
-deconvolve_richardsonlucy[0] [1],$1 -n[0] 0,255

#@gimp _

For Windows, save this text file as user.gmic and place it in:

not in …\AppData\Roaming\gmic

Then you will find the directory “user” in your filter list in gmic-gimp, between Testing and Various

In Linux, locations and names are different. Maybe someone else here can help you for linux?

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