Release of G'MIC 2.5

OK Thanks Karsten, I think I’ll try something this afternoon.

@Hebustetram, I’ve made a small modification in the filter code.
Could you try to refresh the filters (using the Update filters button) , and tell us if that fixes your problem ?
Thanks !

EDIT : It seems the website has a problem… :frowning: I’ve not been able to upload the filter update. Will try again in a few moments.

Very good David! Just tried x_warp on sequences of images. Works very well with that global variable.
Thank you!

ex: gmic sp ? sp ? +x_warp… , +x_warp… , d

I’m currently working on it, and make the “final” cleaning before having this as a new filter for the plug-in :slight_smile:

Good, good, that will be a nice thing for the animators of drawings!

Improvements in x_morph are really positiv too. What about the trajectories in the in-between image with start-inbetween-end-point by any key?

Ok, with the last changes in 2.5.7 seemingly no clutter of gmic_cluts.gmz and cli as well as (my) Gimp use the same location.

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Believe it or not, but it doesn’t work that bad! :stuck_out_tongue:



It would be good the option without fade for drawings


This is actually something we may investigate with @Jehan in the future.

Changelog for upcoming version 2.6.0 (Work in Progress!)


  • Commands for flow control that takes a condition as an argument (if, elif, while, for) now try to automatically evaluate its argument when a boolean is not directly specified. This works also similarly for repeat. As a result, this basically remove a lot of braces in the code, e.g. the code below is now valid:
  if $!<3  # Instead of "if {$!<3}"
    repeat 2*$!+3,var echo $var done # Instead of "repeat {2*$!+3}"
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Nice, no more stoppage due to forgetting the curly braces.

That’s actually the opposite : a wrong argument to if will throw an error, which makes the code easier to debug :slight_smile:

It is almost the same thing except that it would throw an error only if the argument is incorrect, not because I forgot to include the curly braces, so it is a time saver.

Hmm with gmic 2.5.8 this line
if {$_version>=250} if /Users/karo/sw/gmic_bm/BAM_250.gmic m /Users/karo/sw/gmic_bm/BAM_250.gmic fi fi
throws an error

Seemingly this
01 Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-21 um 10.41.01
is not valid anymore!

@KaRo, yes that’s another difference.
To test the existence of a file or a folder, use

if isfile(['path_to_the_file/file.txt'])
if isdir(['path_to_the_file/file.txt'])

David today is Easter Sunday! Have a nice day!

By the way “file_rand” crashes too, same reason!

Thanks Karsten, happy easter for you too.
I’ve just fixed file_rand. These changes are quite important for the interpreter, so I expect a few bugs appearing in the next days :slight_smile:

Works fine for me now.

As @KaRo suggested I changed to an user without spaces and installed GIMP 2.10.10 with your last version of gmic for Mac OSX .tgz archive

Thanks for your help

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