Release of G'MIC 3.2

I can’t send PM to @KaRo . I’ll just hope this reaches him:


I hope this reaches you. I left a message on your commit.

Here’s foreach reference:

[core-310] New command foreach, loops over an image selection, image by image and execute each loop iteration in a local image environment. It introduces a useful construct foreach ... done block, to replace e.g. repeat $! l[$>] ... endl done.

Thank you @Reptorian. I am a bit slow with implementing new constructs, still I’ll use foreach, next step, first was { }!

Me too. I might have to run two different gmics because the latest has broke everything in my personal *.gmic files.

Yeah, since some time I have different .gmic_<critical version> files, switching dependent on version number!

I must say I’m a bit sorry about all these changes (for good! :innocent: ) in the language.
Don’t worry too much, as I don’t have any more ideas to break everything :slight_smile:

Hmmm let me think about that… :slight_smile:

There are a few things which mitigate it at least:

  • You generally make sure the community stuff keeps working by replacing as needed
  • A command file will load regardless. Up to date commands work, only old ones don’t
  • Most changes amount to a search replace or are backward compatible

One question: is there a way to easily find commands with multiple definitions?

Sometimes I’m not so careful cleaning up my local testing stuff and forget I have an override in there…

No problem David! I’m on the side of progress!

Decided on one idea now. Thought of easy solution for others.

  1. Something equilavent to python_string.split(), but for a image containing unicode number. This would make it so much easier to make import command.

This would result in making import file command easier. I was struggling to write a command to import pdn palette files last night. I did it, but with bugs.

Is the update command broken?

It works for me right now with: Version 3.1.3 (pre-release #220601)

I’m using the same version. gmic h +pal still remains the same as the old version, so now I can’t see if my filters work or is broken due to changes.

Ah, do you mean broken in the sense your changes haven’t appeared yet? It sometimes takes a couple hours for me after I push a commit… although your last commit shows as yesterday too.

The filter update takes only place at 6am, 12am and 6pm.


Is that UTC?

I still have the update problem.

According to :
The last update took place in 2022/06/05 at 00:01.

So, there has been probably a power outage at the lab this week-end. I’ll check that tomorrow (today is holiday).

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Update: Not a power outage, but something in the file reptorian.gmic that broke the command parser for the updater :slight_smile: I need to see why and fix that.

Found it.
@Reptorian , you were using a note() but put opening/closing parentheses inside.

Fixed with:

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Thanks, I found some few more errors here and there, and also for some reason, I ended up having merge conflict (this wasn’t fun to fix nor I know how to do that easily).

@David_Tschumperle I know you’re working very hard to get the import_obj command to work on G’MIC. I’d like to know when will you premier this. I’m actually thinking of making a command just for myself to convert obj to game files. In my case, I’d like to know how to loop over material, then loop over faces, and then loop over vertices.

Also, could we have epsilon as a new mathematical constant?