released vkdt 0.5.0

Ah! Didn’t take you long to get on the track… that is the kind of thing I wouldn’t think of… spaces, punctuation all that. I just copied the folder in question to /home/SG4/Pictures/ in case it makes a difference being on a mounted drive. But I can’t figure out how to navigate to /home ! In vkdt that is.
A lost windows user… :cry:

okay i think i need to do a point release or at least push new obs packages :slight_smile:

@darix, the packages are created from the master branch, not the release-0.5 branch, right? at this point it doesn’t make a difference, but just so i’m aware what i am publishing…

yeah but it should work with whatever appears to be a strange but valid folder name :slight_smile:

new packages are on their way, should be a couple minutes before the updates are online with the fix.


if this file has no <revision> element. it uses the default branch - master in this case

A more complex example is the _service file for darktable

I did wonder what you’d make of it… out of context it looks very odd. The format is: date uploaded; 2 letter code for camera used; incl. (short for includes); keywords for the main images in folder.
I’m actually starting to wonder about the validity of the approach after writing that.
Anyway, thanks very much for your help! :slightly_smiling_face:
If you don’t mind one more question, how should I update my install of vkdt?

the OBS package where you downloaded it from should be a new version by now, just download from there again.

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when you used the “1 click install” for the tumbleweed package for the original install ( see: openSUSE Software) , it will have added the graphics:darktable:master repository to your system. then all you need is a zypper dup. This is something you should do regularly anyway to install the tumbleweed updates.

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Thanks @hanatos & @darix
Should I be using the experimental or the community package… the latter hasn’t changed as yet.


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:slightly_smiling_face: installing now…I was on the community version. Oops.

both are the same package in the end. i just have my copy for some testing.

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I just started up the new version, and the thumbnails load just as you’d expect. Problem fixed! No more bees… :grinning: Bedtime!

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I’ll check later today…obs on popos had the thumbnail issue when I was testing a little last week…

Short question: who is actually using this program regularly? Except the dev.

To be honest, I have not used it since some time, mainly because I am/was working on articles about other programs. But I have been using it regularly for several months. So I think it is possible to use it as the main raw developer.
Is there someone who holds the record in using it? I think about a year ago I was using it way more often than the dev. But I did not count how many photos I developed with it. Hm… I could try to guess… maybe I edited one pic per day for 3 months?

Not I. I took my first look with the current release. I’m still rather baffled about how to use it. My guess is it will be a long time before I am ready to switch over from darktable as my go-to developer.

sounds like a great way to fill up my bug tracker and feature request list :slight_smile:

i am using it pretty much every day, although often times not for photography. i did use it to make a calendar from my pictures taken during the year (front to back: import from sd/cf card, sort/cull/tag/collect the results/export).

Trying to use it, bolloxed my build with the latest pull from master…

All was working fine on master as of about a week ago, saw 0.5 release, yay, pulled and built it, now I get this:

glenn@bena:~/ImageStuff/vkdt/bin$ ./vkdt -d qvk
[ERR] module dev has no connectors!
[gui] glfwGetVersionString() : 3.3.6 X11 GLX EGL OSMesa clock_gettime evdev shared
[gui] monitor [0] DP-5 at 1920 0
[gui] monitor [1] HDMI-0 at 0 0
[gui] vk extension required by GLFW:
[gui]   VK_KHR_surface
[gui]   VK_KHR_xcb_surface
[qvk] error VK_ERROR_LAYER_NOT_PRESENT executing vkCreateInstance(&inst_create_info, NULL, &qvk.instance)!
[ERR] init vulkan failed
[ERR] failed to init gui/swapchain

Not sure where to start poking; i’m on the -515 version of the Nvidia driver.

is that a make debug build? did you install the validation layers for vulkan too? the LAYER_NOT_PRESENT error might indicate that it’s looking for validation layers but maybe a system update brought new libvulkan without these. alternatively, make without debug should not load validation layers (make clean if you switch between the two).

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I had the impression that you use it for simple quick edits whereas I sometimes edit one photo for several hours, I combine many instances and modules and consequently I find some bugs.
Maybe the question should be: how much time do you spend with using vkdt?

Ha, appears to be what you describe; make clean; make makes a version that runs…

Come to think of it, probably didn’t make debug executables previously.
