I have added the option to allow custom alternating formulas for rep_thorn_fractal. Now that cli command is completed even if there’s the performance issue associated with inserting vectors of ${14–1} per pixels, and moving on to complete the gui version. It’s fast, but I believe it’ll be faster if I had a choice to get around that.
rep_thorn_fractal -2,50000,255,4,2.544,-5.2424,1,1,1/2,1,0,0,30,a/cos(b),b/sin(a),a/sin(b),b/tan(a) n 0,255
Any integer number less than -1 for first option implies you are going to insert custom alternating formula. The larger the absolute of the negative number, the more inputs you are going to have to insert for command to work. For negative two, that means 17 inputs where last 4 is your formulas. For negative 3, that means 19 inputs where last 6 is your formulas.
Picture result of this command
EDIT: Now, GUI version has been upgraded. Now you can insert custom alternating formulas.
I just wanted to share another result with custom alternating formula. This is with the default GUI setting on Custom Alternative Formula 1 with the only difference is cx=-9.6 and cy=39.400002. cx/cy is distortion x/y.
EDIT: I have just made rep_major cli. It’s a extended version of this filter - Majority Color Effect (ymd:100726) - Plugins - Publishing ONLY! - paint.net Forum
Should arrive by the time you read this, and if not, wait at least 4 hours to a day.
GUI version soon.