RT5 and speed query

Debian stable has a pretty dated version of GTK3, like 3.14 or something. But a new release is just around the corner!

That’s because Ingo has done such a tremendous job optimizing RT! There’s not much room left for LTO but to inline things a bit better. :smile:

Sure (and Stefan already mentioned Debian 9RC), but the core processing doesn’t depend on the GUI toolkit, so that’s indeed interesting.

There’s some potential to optimize Only edges sharpening which currently is quite slow.
I already checked for the bottlenecks and found some.
@floessie Are you interested in another fun optimization session? I would open an Issue then and share my first results.


Can you post content of AboutThisBuild.txt please?

well, let me take this opportunity to thank all the RT developers for their amazing work!


I’ve removed 03 for the final release… I don’t know why - maybe because to keep recommendations from final readme file. My ‘unstable’ branch is compiled with 03. Well, I will add this again to stable branch - expect new compilation in few hours.

Before @Dariusz_Duma adds it and we potentially end up with variously optimized builds - @heckflosse @floessie what is the verdict on this? Should it be -o2 or -o3?

@RawConvert it’s not “zero-three” it’s “oscar-three”.

It should be -o3!

Thanks, I stand c0rrected.
Seriously though, this is all great stuff. Sincere thanks to all involved, from one of many who will benefit.

FYI! RT5 on Xubuntu 16.04, 64 bit, I3 with 16GB ram… Doing anything seemed a little sluggish. When I tried to adjust the white balance temperature, it worked for 3 to 4 seconds and then RT crashed. I went back to the unstable version. I’ll try Dariusz Dumas updated version when I see it available.

@gwaugh How to write useful bug reports - RawPedia
Report a bug with a stack backtrace, don’t just complain about it and downgrade - that doesn’t help.

I tried Dariusz Dumas new version in his PPA (5.0-2dhor~xenial). The interface seems less sluggish. But I can still make RT5 crash. Load any jpg file and adjust the white balance temperature up and down a large amount repeatedly and it will eventually crash. I will do what I can to enter a bug report on github. As far as I know there are no debug builds available.

Issue #3650

@heckflosse Why, yes! I guess we’re all waiting for @Morgan_Hardwood to start the development branch so that we have a base for the coming feature branches. :wink:

Sure. And preferably with a capital “Oscar”. And please no -Ofast, because that enables -ffast-math again.

I opened a jpg with RT5 (have not updated yet, version as at weekend) and moved the white balance back and forth lots, and quickly, but it wouldn’t crash.

@RawConvert What version of Ubuntu are you using?

It’s 16.10. I’ve just repeated the white balance check with the new RT5.0 (with O3 set) and the same, can’t make it crash.

@Dariusz_Duma, Many Thanks for the new version. My test is down from 19s to about 5.5s :relaxed:

Thanks Andrew! I wonder what the difference may be between my 16.04.1 LTS version and your version. It could explain a few things.

Is your BIOS up to date?

@RawConvert Actually, my two computers use UEFI and were up to date when I built them. The motherboard manufactures website showed compatibility with my CPU and ram. Considering how stable these two machines have been, I have no reason to believe that the UEFI is at fault.

I’m thinking the problem may be with GTK3. I have used many versions of rawtherapee-unstable from Dariusz Dumas PPA and have not had a failure. The unstable packages appear to be built on the Master branch which appears to use GTK2.

Since you are using a newer release of Ubuntu, your shared libraries may be updated. This could be another reason.