Run external command on save/export

RT 5.5 appimage.

Is there a way of running so external command after the save?

I have some imagemagick (mogrify) for a frame+watermark that I want to run. So now I have to use a separate file with the list of the images done that time/day and run it.



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Yes, I would support that request. I am also doing some post-postprocessing via bash script and have that triggered via Linux inotify utilities. Works fine but still is logic which adds complexity I鈥檇 happily get rid of.

This request would allow copying metadata from .xmp to the output file. I鈥檇 love to see this implemented!

A first step would be to open a feature request issue here :wink:

That was the easy exercise: Run custom commands, scripts after image has been saved 路 Issue #5156 路 Beep6581/RawTherapee 路 GitHub

Now let鈥檚 start collecting more requirements, etc for this issue :slight_smile: