Scanned image scratch removal with “ICE”

I put here some examples (original, IR only, point clouds) with strong and weak bleeding.

I cannot say how long I will keep the folder, but likely a year at least.

Also, here the corrected script:

i ${1},0,2,2
+crop 20%,20%,80%,80%
+channels[0] 0
+channels[0] 1
+channels[0] 2
+compose_channels[0] + div. 3
# scaling to get a 1500 pixel final cloud
div 45
ap[1-5] "unroll x"
append[2] [1],y
append[3] [1],y
append[4] [1],y
append[5] [1],y
ap[2-5] "pointcloud 1,1500,1500"
ap[2-5] "-normalize 0,255"
parallel "o[2] {0,b}_cloud_R.tif,uchar","o[3] {0,b}_cloud_G.tif,uchar","o[4] {0,b}_cloud_B.tif,uchar","o[5] {0,b}_cloud_Z_mono.tif,uchar"

If anyone has Kodachrome, please post an example (color, IR, clouds). I’m not sure I ever saw one.

Thanks for those, it makes it much easier to understand your purpose!

P.S I think you should be able to attach an “original” 4 channel tif on here directly, if you prefer.

It’s 250 MB…
I could crop it of course, but I think it would not be the same.
I think that the IR image posted earlier is enough to understand.
Anyone interested in replicating likely would have some on their own.

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I’m not sure if much can be gained by attempting to remove the image contribution to the IR, since as you say it’s a non-linear combination. One approach is to focus only on improving the separation of scratches within the IR layer. I suggest three things for that:

  • subtract/divide a locally smoothed copy (median, bilateral etc.)
  • threshold the scratches you want removed by area
  • threshold the final by value

By that point anything included which is not a scratch would cause imperceptible changes with inpainting anyway.

Edit: a simple exponent (“gamma”) on the negative IR can reveal the scratches well to the eye, so I think there’s enough separation to work with.

First of all thanks for your contribution.

I don’t remember whether I mentioned it already or not, but anyway: my goal by removing the contribution of the visible image is to obtain a cleaner IR histogram which I can more easily threshold to isolate dust (black spots) and scratches (white streaks) from background. The first experiments I did with GIMP showed that it was often difficult to get all the dust without ending up selecting some parts of the image data bleeded into the IR image.

It shows how wide the histogram is if left as-is.

So my goal is not to completely clean it, I only need to increase signal/noise for a simpler threshold detection. Keep in mind that I don’t want to do it one by one manually… I am ready to visually check dust/scratches masks before inpainting, sure, but manual tuning should be kept to a minimum.

The subtraction of a smoothed copy is an idea already proposed, I just haven’t tested it yet.

Threshold by area? what do you mean? manually? I don’t want to :slight_smile:

Can you elaborate about the “gamma” test you mentioned?

Also, for info: (which was already posted earlier). Given my point clouds I could use the data for interpolation, cutting out the leftmost, non-linear part of the curve. This way I would end up with a very linear correlation, easily removable. It will overestimate contribution in dark areas, but I think that is not an issue.

My assumption is, that the attenuation (in percent) for each pixel affected by dust/scratch is the same in IR as in the RGB-channels. Thus dividing by a normalized IR-image will remove the dust/scratch in the RGB image.


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Thanks for the links, it looks interesting and I’ll need to do some reading. The quick gamma check I did in gmic is:
gmic Dia_10.tif k. n 0,255 negate apply_gamma 0.45

And here is a reduced crop of the output (I’m assuming you don’t mind me displaying it here):

The article about decorrelation says:
“The algorithm therefore assumes that in the density domain the contribution of the image forming dyes on the film to IR response is linear”

It looks as though your IR is quite correlated to the red channel by matching geometric mean:

But even then, it’s probably still better to variance smooth the IR (variance_patch 11 shows the marks quite clearly) and subtract.

Using the red channel, I managed to get this far:

I cheated using some of my own filters in g’mic plus another to set geometric mean:
gmic Dia_10.tif k[0,-1] channels.. 0 set_mean 0.5 gcd_fmean_local 3,2 sub n 0,1 pow 3

set_mean : skip ${1=0.5},${2=0}
  if $2==-1
    m "_func : pow -1 sub 1" m "_finv : add 1 pow -1"
  elif $2==0
    m "_func : log" m "_finv : exp"
  elif $2==1
    m "_func : skip 0" m "_finv : skip 0"
  elif $2==2
    m "_func : sqr" m "_finv : sqrt"
  repeat $! l[$>]
    m={[im,iM]} n 0.002,0.998 ($1) _func *.. {i/ia#0} rm. _finv n $m
  endl done
  uncommand _func,_finv

Thanks, the result looks basically perfect.

I’ll take my time to decipher your script and I’ll try to apply it to my slides!

No problem, there’s still a lot of work for you to do but it’s a start :slight_smile:

Describing the above technique in words (with IR and red channel images):

  • Set both images geometric mean = 0.5
  • Square the values of each image
  • Divide each image by a gaussian filtered copy (small radius, may need to add an epsilon to avoid div by zero)
  • Square root values of each image
  • Subtract them (image difference)

For viewing only: normalize and apply exponent (a threshold won’t care about that anyway)

Explanation about the squaring: it makes it ~quadratic mean, but the ideal I think would be patch maximum, so you could use exp and log rather than sqr and sqrt, just be careful with value ranges…

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@garagecoder Just one little thing of note. Don’t use m,n as variable names. It would be easier to understand if they weren’t already names for command. That’s why in my G’MIC script, I avoid doing that.

Yes sorry, you’re quite correct :slight_smile: that’s some terrible code style! Normally I do try to avoid it, but haste got the better of me there.

Gimp resynthetizer is currently dead…
I pray that its resurrection will take place very soon.

I see it here:
Last commit in May. I haven’t tried it though but it should work under GIMP 2.10

I realise now that density is a logarithmic transformation of the image values. I should scale accordingly X and Y in my correlations.

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I haven’t yet studied in detail or tested the script by @garagecoder but I did a quick test with a log-linear scale (log red channel, linear IR).
The results are basically perfectly straight lines, therefore it should be very easy to remove the contribution by the visible light on the IR.

Check the results:


i ${1},0,2,2
crop 20%,20%,80%,80%
+channels[0] 0
ap[1,2] "unroll x"
normalize[1,2] 0,1500
append[2] [1],y
pointcloud. 1
normalize 0,255
o[2] {0,b}_cloud_R_log.tif,uchar

The slope of the curves is also very similar, maybe it can be estimated from a whole roll so that even slides with few points, or points very similar in brightness, can get a good estimate.

After subtraction a threshold will likely be enough, or a more advanced approach like what was suggested earlier, and which I haven’t tried yet.

For info, I did the same with a more recent slide roll I know for sure was an E6 process, and which I know was not mixed up with other rolls.

The IR channels look very much alike and the log-lin graphs are basically identical, making definitely possible the calculation of a single linear regression for the whole roll.

Yes, everything appears to be as described in the articles about IR/red channel. I think the next barrier could be noise; the match is much better in log space, but at such resolution the individual pixels aren’t likely to align. Downscaling might partially fix that. Here is the median transfer curve from indexed red channel log values to IR (red channel values shown in green, IR in red):

Perhaps the scratches will be separable enough anyway…

For me, unfortunately, the correlation is not liniar (Nikon Coolscan ED 5000).

As both IR and Red channels are liniar (raw data from Vuescan), it also doesn’t make much sence to “log” red channel.

  • Attached are the translation curves from Red to IR for 3 differend negatives (1,2,3 - liniar) - (1r, 2r, 3r - Red channel Loged).

I guess, it’s about different exposures (gain) per channel and a lot of underexposed area with noise on the left side of the curve.

I’ve tried different solution (RGBA tiff):
split[-1] c
rm[-2,-3] #keep only Red and Alpha channels
[-2] [-2] #copying both for further operations
crop[-1,-2] 5%,5%,95%,95% #cutting borders from copies
command andy_kelday gcd_mean_transfer_curve[-2,-1] #calculating the Red to IR transfer curve
rm[-2] #deleting copy of red channel
[-1] # copy of IR is replaced by GCD funcion, with transfer curve data - copying it
+resize[-1] 100%,0.15%,100%,100%,2 #averaging the curve (2) and making less points to a new position
crop[-3] 0,0,0,0 #getting the leftmost point of the curve
crop[-2] 0,100%,0,100% #getting the rightmost point of the curve
append[-3] [-1],y #these two lines merge the points of the curve
append[-3] [-2],y
rm[-1,-2] # removing temp data
split[-1] c # these three lines reallocate Y value of the curve to the same channel
append[-2] [-1],x
apply_curve[-3] 1,{-1,^} # applying averaged transfer curve to original Red channel
rm[-1] # removing transfer curve, so only Transferred Red and IR uncut channels are left
sub[-1] [-2] # subtraction of transferred Red from IR

It provides quite good results.

Though I stuck with generating a clear defect map because of noise (it is a real barrier). I assume, some “credibility” mask should be applied as well (
However, I haven’t tried it, yet.

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I’m pleasantly surprised to see the mean transfer command being used (I didn’t really “advertise” it)! I wonder then if the second version I have would be useful too (median transfer curve)… I’ll probably clean it up and push it some day soon.

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Thank you for it !!! :slight_smile:
It saved my time :slight_smile: