[Solved] Rawtherapee pipette tool missing

While reading the RawPedia documentation about RawTherapee I found reference to a pipette tool that should appear below various curves tools. However, this tool doesn’t appear in my version (

Was it added after my version or has it been moved?

Thanks in advance,

@Matthew_Fells Please take a look at new windows versions. You’ll find links to more recent windows versions of rt there.

Hi Ingo, thanks for replying. I’m currently running linux mint, so the windows versions won’t help me. Can I assume that the pipette tool was added to a version later than mine?

Is Mint based on Ubuntu? If so there’s a PPA you can add to get the latest versions.

Why not compile it. It’s easy.

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Or look at this thread


Do the Ubuntu download instructions on our website not get you a newer version? If so, follow heckflosse’s advice and compile the latest version yourself.

Thanks everyone, that answers my question. I’ll grab the newer version.