So not free software at all?
“Free (of cost)” is not the same sa Free Software.
There are plenty of forums and social media places to share your adobe edits, but without some specific intent, this isn’t one of them.
above 4 versions made in RT. the author himself led the speech for the editorial office in Photoshop and he was interested in who would handle it. I showed 4 versions in RT, one in Photoshop. that’s all.
Had some time to, finally, give this one a serious try.
This ended up being a RawTherapee 5.8 + Krita 4.4.8 collaboration.
EDIT: Fixed some visible masking traces.
you handled well, the sky is blue, the skin colors and the sheets look normal.
This one could have been done better if it were important enough, would have taken a lot more time though.
I did the masking a bit too quick-and-dirty, which becomes visible when you zoom in to at least 200% at this resolution.
@xdodo mentioned that forcing the colour of the sky would be useless/unreal, but this is exactly what I did using a rather simple gradient instead of a manually created one that would have fitted just a bit better, and some Krita magic. Replacing the sky altogether with a different one would also have been possible, I find that going one step too far in this case to be honest.
Like I stated before: If the image is worth it to you and you want to spend the time you can create a really nice end result.
Well, it was originally shot out of focus. It is better to do such manipulations on another photo, which was shot without errors.
I was talking about my edit, not about the original.
For me, the starting point was/is a given and the reason why Adolfo uploaded this image in the first place was because of problems.
Sometimes things are out of your control and you end up with a not-so-perfect RAW and all you have left then is some fancy editing
You did a great job. I wouldn’t be able to, also because I’ve never used Krita. Now the image has something unreal, because the sky does not have the slightest shade, but for a normal user it is more than beautiful. I am amazed that this image that I posted by chance, has aroused interest and that someone wanted to dedicate their time. Thanks again.
Nothing I did was Krita specific, so in this case: GIMP, Photoshop or Krita: same difference. Every pixel editor with a decent masking and blending facility would do.
I really think that some people like a nice challenge and don’t mind spending the time and effort. In the end one learns by doing.
I agree, so…
One of the things I did not like when I looked at my previous edit just now was the saturation level. Bit much. That and you mentioning the gradient made me have another, really quick, go at it
Sky is a blue->blue gradient with some hints of clouds painted in to break up the evenness.
Bravo, decreasing the saturation and the uniformity of the sky, the image is even better. Only note, but I do not think it is achievable without taking a second photo exposing for the bell tower,
the bell tower itself which is clear and faded. Maybe if I had photographed in HDR the result would have been as I wanted, but in reality the photo did not have these pretensions,
it was simply a photo of my granddaughter in a pleasant place.
Hi jacques
There is also the problem that the railing (upper left) has a lot of what I suppose is fringing. It’s apparent in your processing but also in others more or less.
Yeah, there’s an issue with the RAW (sensor/lens) itself, which is probably multiplied by the blown out sky on those places where very dark and blown out meet.
Out-of-the-box the tree on the right is also filled with blue fringing, which I was able to remove, but I wasn’t able to completely fix the fence/railing with the tools RT has (which do a rather good job normally.
All the images, except for @agriggio’s show this. Not sure if he painted it over though (seems to me he did). I surely did in the first edit I posted. I spend enough time on this by now and did not want to spend that time/effort on the quick second edit I did…
The railing problem is related to the lens of the Panasonic Fz82. It is not a quality lens. on the other hand I bought it only for the 60x zoom that I need to photograph animals.
Retinex blend; more so for child. Some sharpening. Of course, hid the noise flaws by reducing the size. lol
Looking at it again, Should have done better job with cleaning up the sky or adding clouds to hide flaws; oh well.