Sony picture profile affects raw

While I’ve observed the effect you describe, I’m at a loss as to why Sony would divorce ISO from signal amplifier gain and base a reported ISO on a completely different criteria. There must be a good reason for this, right? Where is the Sony Picture Profile ISO described/documented? I’m interested in learning a bit more.

Late to the party but RawDigger can dump the raw curve. It is linear and equal for the three raws posted earlier.

e.g. 4077 → 65232 each one. To me, that means differences in brightness have nothing to do with the raw tone curve for what that’s worth. I know nothing of Sony cameras and so have nothing to add, sorry.

I run Linux only. Is there something on the Open Source side that might do something similar? Or, minimally, dump all the tags, such as the aforementioned “Sony ISO.”

exiftool -a -u -s -G1

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Brilliant. Thank you.

If some tags are reported as binary arrays, you then dump specific ones using -b.

Right. Got it.

Indeed, it’s very interesting to see how ISO values can diverge when using Sony Picture Profiles. It’s the S-Log profiles that seem to drive the value divergence.