Quick reply to myself:
# using Argyllcms "chartread"
# - input: ColorCheckerPassport.ti2 file
# - output: ColorCheckerPassport.ti3
chartread -v -c 1 -l -p -A A -H -S -P ColorCheckerPassport
- figure what further conversions are required, for use with
- refine the procedure drafted several times in the thread how to create a dcp for an artificial light source
- take measurements again (5 times and then take the average or the median values ?) and provide them to the community (argyllcms, dcamprof, …)
thanks to @gwgill for the kind help given via email, on the argyllcms list.
ColorCheckerPassport.ti2.txt (2.8 KB)
Sample result (one pass):
ColorCheckerPassport.ti3.txt (45.6 KB)