sQsA Darktable - short question / short answer

Confirmed. I opened a bug report for it: https://redmine.darktable.org/issues/11741

Edit: It should be fixed now.

Hi, unfortunatley I can not confirm this. The error message in the console is gone, but I still do not receive any result

And I do see a lot of error messages in the terminal when switching between different map providers Is this normal behaviour?

You will need a recent build of the development version to get that fix. For a lack of general magic we can’t miracle it into the version you already got installed.

The errors when switching map providers are normal, yes. Not much we can do about them.

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Thanks, didn’t expect that… :wink:

After reading the bugreport I thought there was maybe some communication with osm. Especially because the error message was gone. Anyway, looking forward for the new version (is there a schedule for 2.3?)

There were two issues: A bad HTML response from OSM, which turned out to be an error message because dt didn’t set an user agent in the HTML request. They fixed the first part, we did the 2nd.

The next release will be 2.4.0. 2.3 is the internal numbering for our current development version. Even 2nd digit == release, uneven == development cycle.
If everything goes as planned it will be out this year, I personally aim for as early as possible.

Hi guys, I happen to use darktable with RX480 (bought specifically for darktable) on a 4K display, Intel i5 CPU, 16GB RAM, OpenCL enabled. Editing and exporting is nice and fast, no problem there. But I have to say that OpenCL is an absolute must, with CPU rendering everything takes about ten times as long.

However, I do have speed problems in Lighttable since I switched to the 4K display. It seems that the thumbnails (applies to Filmstrip as well) are redrawn on every pixel movement of the mouse, eating all the CPU and making Lighttable navigation extremely slugginsh. There’s a bug report for this (https://redmine.darktable.org/issues/10764), but unfortunately it didn’t seem to gather a lot of user attention, so I wonder if other people on 4K aren’t affected by this.

This issue is not really related to 4k. Maybe its getting worse with 4k, because there are more pixels, which are redrawn while moving the mouse, but I also do experience this issue (https://redmine.darktable.org/issues/11572)

Indeed, it’s just much more noticeable on large pixel count and since it’s CPU-based, openCL doesn’t help. Unfortunately for me it makes managing photos in lighttable almost unusable, I do everything in other programs and in darktable I immediately switch to darkroom only for editing.

May I ask what OS you are running? I wanna get a RX480 myself but would love to stick with tumbleweed. I am not sure, if the AMDGPU-Pro driver (which is needed for openCL AFAIK) will do a good job on a rolling release…

I’m using Mint, never tried installing it on a different one, sorry. The AMDGPU-Pro installation goes smoothly, I just had to modify the install script to accept Mint instead of plain Ubuntu (change one string).

I’m using Manjaro. I have AMD A10 7870K Radeon 7 but cannot get opencl working. I’ve installed amdgpu and opencl-amd but as a newbie to Linux I’m not sure what to do next to get opencl working in darktable. Any ideas?

Might this link be of use to you?

Or this one?

/Claes in Lund, Sweden

Thanks Claes - added to Pocket to read later.

I think this will not help. The opensource driver for AMD doesn’t include OpenCL Image support. So the only way to go is AMDGPU-Pro or fglrx (up to XOrg 1.17 if I remember correctly, fglrx doesn’t support any newer XOrg version.). But even if it would work I don’t know if it really would help as your CPU has a onboard graphics.

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Hi, what could have happened, if my historgram is gone? Thanks

That’s a strange one. When moving the mouse over the histogram, do you see the buttons for the color channels? Maybe you turned all of them off by accident?

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Maybe you placed a color picker on a dark (black) spot and activated the ‘restrict histogram to selection’ option in the color picker module?

Thanks @houz and @Wocket. I’m going to test it this evening.


Ok, it really was like houz said… (sorry, that was stupid :slight_smile: )

Another thing. I’m trying to get into parametric masks. I created one, whiich should be limited to the dark areas. The mask, which I see suggests, that I have made everything correct (The drawn part of the mask is just for getting rid of a spot in the sky).
Here is the picture:

And here is the mask (so far so good :+1: )

No I do something a little bit extreme just to show, where my problem is. Here is what happens if I raise the exposure by +0,70 EV

And here is what happens, if I raise by 2 EV.

What goes wrong here? While raising the EV I clearly see that the formerly pushed area gets dark again and then the rest gets brightened up.


Edit: OK, it seems that limiting the output is part of the problem (No I do understand the different influence of input / output a little bit better). But shouldn’t everything gets brightened up to a specific amount (instead of getting darker again)?

edit again: grml, it seems that changing the EV changes the mask itself. Is that intended? Thanks

As you said yourself, this is because you have added a luminosity mask on the output values. This kind of a mask says Darktable to select pixels which their values AFTER processing the image (here, increasing the exposure) will be in the range you have specified. So, when you raise exposure by 0.7, the luminance values of the mountains AFTER applying +0.7 EV are still in the range you have specified for the output values. But when you raise exposure by 2, the luminance value of this area AFTER applying +2 EV gets brighter than the specified range of output values. Therefore, they would not be included in your mask anymore, as indicated in your last screenshot.