stable diffusion for Krita

May I ask how long it took to generate that photo, or “photo”?

Using the two nvidia cards

Gigabyte GTX1070

1000 x 1000 px

Peek 2023-11-23 11-06

Thanks. So very usable for you, not for me! :wink:

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You can connect to a remote server. Maybe it improve the speed, I don´t know because I’ve almost zero connection to InterNot here so I can´t probe that option.

A little over 2 minutes for a 1024*768 on a gtx 1650 here on an old system
nvtop clearly show that at this resolution 4Gb of VRAM is enough at this resolution.

But I can’t quite get it to generate what I want, it seems a little bit “off” or maybe being used to midjourney, I input queries that are too complex …

Still I will experiment a little bit more :smiley:

512px images on a gpu with 6gb vram will take only seconds. (But longer if you use control net). Use sd 1.5 for that. This would probably cover most of your needs for inpainting/outpainting. If you want to generate a sky for sky replacement on say a 6000px image then just upscale after.

1024px images will need MUCH more vram if you want fast results. Sdxl is designed for that.

Crikey. Seeing as I only have a 2011 iMac at my disposal (with Arch Linux running via Virtualbox), I’ll sadly have to give this a miss (or be prepared to wait a week to produce something similar). Another good excuse for me to invest in a new machine, though. :slight_smile:

A little bit off-topic but I wonder if the upscaling available in this plug-in could be use to de-noise a picture, for example :
Remove chroma noise by downsizing then upscaling a picture then using the result in chroma only blend ?
Or such a trick …
I’ll have a go at it maybe next week.

Yeah, I’ve seen that. Prices are very reasonable: around $0,25 per hour with a minimum investment of $5 or $10 (that are the credits you buy). Then you run your work on a (shared) machine with 10GB VRAM, 13GB RAM, 6 vCPUs and a RTX 3080. Hmm, I guess that will run faster than my 10-years old pc! :wink:

BUT Franklin: you need an internet connection for that. :upside_down_face:

Yes, in a way people have been editing photos for propaganda purposes for almost 100 years now, if not more. I’m sure we all saw the Stalin photo where a person is removed :slight_smile: Of course it makes everything a lot easier…

What more would I want, but unfortunately where I live I have the worst internet service in the galaxy… and no way to pay by card or anything else. :roll_eyes:

And internet by satellite is no option for you?

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I can relate a bit, although your situation definitely sounds worse - my only options (rural Australia) are: 4GX mobile service (very weak signal), a slow satellite service (Sky Muster) or the new Starlink system.

I currently use the 4GX, with a hacky homebuilt antenna system (boosts my 1bar at best to a consistent 4) and on a good day get around 12Mb/s down and 25Mb/s up. The older satellite service is slower, and from what I hear not much more reliable.

As for Starlink… can’t justify the cost, and even if I could I’ve got reservations about supporting Mr Musk! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, so my internet is fine for ‘normal’ stuff, but cloud storage is a no-go practically speaking, and I doubt remote servers would be very practical.

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So has anyone been having a play with this? I haven’t quite managed to modify/refine images in a pleasing way yet so I’ve kind of been playing the slot machine I guess, generating several images from any given prompt and hoping for a good result.

Thought I’d share some of the more interesting ones ):

Landscape 1

Landscape 2

Landscape 3

Tarkovsky 2

Tarkovsky 4

Beauty will 1

Beauty will 2


Tarantino 2 : wow some of those horses have so many legs ! fast ones I guess :smiley:
The “Ireland sceneries” ? an Ghibli ones are really good. I’d so much like to land a new GPU to play some more with that :smiley:
nice fun !

It’d feel a little bit like a pointless game but one could almost play the “guess the prompt” game ^^

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Those female pictures have a Tarkovskys’ Mirror feel to them, very cool.

Like this:

for what it’s worth I’ve been making do with running it on my CPU. I just queue some things up and let it run in the background. At 512x512 on my i7-8700 it takes between 15-20 minutes maybe to get an image, but importantly it doesn’t hog the entire system so I can easily do other things while it’s running.

I don’t really want to upgrade GPUs unless I can come up with a practical use for all this. I think one good application for me at least might be creating background plates for Hitchcock-style front projection in short films…

The prompts for the first two asked for “in the style of Andrei Tarkovsky” directly, later I got the following too from simply “Beauty will save the world” - a Dostoevsky quote that I actually first came across via Tarkovsky. Funny coincidence seeing as you could just as easily imagine them as stills from one of his films. The other styles/checkpoints I tried that with came up with very different results lol.

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I noted that only two out of four cpu cores were used, so I guess that’s why the pc stays available for other tasks.

Do you know which checkpoints you used for your generations? If so please share. I don´t use SD in Krita yet but use Automatic1111 and am always looking for some new models to play around with.

All of them minus the last two were done with the “Cinematic Photo (XL)” preset that the Krita plugin installs for you. I believe the checkpoint is JuggernautXL?

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