Stained Glass Projection

My version…

2022-03-21_09-20-18.30_DSC6948.NEF.xmp (15.9 KB)

Darktable 3.9.0~git1494.e4628ef4-1


In darktable, AFAIK, the histogram shows the current state of the edit.
However the toggle to show RAW clipping identifies pretty much all the window projection on the column as clipped. I’d have to read the docs again, but this usually means 1 or more of the colour channels. The fact that darktable was able to reconstruct quite successfully suggests that in each instance (each chroma patch of the projection), it was only 1 channel that was clipped, or, at least, proves that at least 1 of the channels was not clipped.

You cant get the histogram but the raw overexposure is now the actual sensor data…

I see that some tonemapping is applied in Davinci. I would have to google it but you can see it says luminance mapping…that would certainly alter your starting point wrt where DT starts…

Yes, that’s the case.

I know that there’s the show overexposed button, but I did not know it was fixed already. Read the bug-report (PR?) a few weeks back about it not showing the correct info. Rather nice to be able to see actual correct data shown now :grin:

Just checked, it was a PR by Jandren. This one: #11391

HI everyone. Thank you so much* for the many renditions - I am quite overwhelmed by how many of you shared your vision of how this one should (or could) look.

@dqpcoxeas, my initial impression of yours was “too dark,” but it is now really growing on me precisely because it draws the eye immediately to the projected image; the image, which looks beautifully reconstructed, has however quite a purple cast.

@ggbutcher, thanks for your slant on things :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Thomas_Do - I like the warm tones, which are true to the stone when observed from outside in natural light. Inside, mostly with artificial illumination, the tones were not so warm. However as an aesthetically pleasing take on the building, its a winner.

@XavAL, thank you for the neon highlighter colours!

@david - thank you for the exposure stacking … a very nice rendition of detail in the vaulting.

@age - a very nice rendition of the projected image on the column.

@hatsnp - the lines, tones and textures certainly make for a captivating monochrome treatment; thank you.

@Claes - thank you, your choice of crop and the black border very nicely lead the eye to the projected image. Moreover, it is only now that I can identify fully the white dove above the head of Jesus -the window must be a depiction of the Baptism of Jesus. Again, the human foot at the bottom is clearly discernable. So nice job on the reconstruction. :slight_smile:

@marter, the difficulty is choosing what is most important in the image … and in that respect, I am now feeling less pleased with the capture - I was probably trying to have my cake and eat it also. You certainly achieved the aim you stated: colourful windows and visible stone structure.

Have I missed anyone (apart from discussion about different software capabilities)? I hope not. Thank you, again, for your sharing your creative thoughts.


Had a lot of fun with this one, you can really play with the colors and go in pretty much any direction. My first thought was to go for an “etheral” high-key look.

RT5.8 dev.

2022-03-21_09-20-18.30_DSC6948-1.jpg.out.pp3 (23.4 KB)


Nice! Gives it a Minas Tirith look.