Struggling with direct light

This is a challenging image that could be processed in multiple ways. The tome equalizer is very important with an image like this. There are some YouTube videos on it if you are not familiar with this essential module.

IMG_2395.CR2.xmp (6.3 KB)

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My attempt

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IMG_2395.CR2.xmp (12.4 KB)

IMG_2395_01.CR2.xmp (12.9 KB)


IMG_2395.jpg.out.pp3 (14,1 KB)

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My version…

IMG_2395.CR2.xmp (16.7 KB)

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Thanks for all your input, learning quite a bit by studying the various xmp’s. Also, fun to see the various takes, the tone can be quite different :slight_smile:

darktable 4.0.1

IMG_2395_03.CR2.xmp (16.4 KB)

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Hello everyone,

Here is a version with the development version of darktable 4.1 and the new sigmoid and highlight reconstruction modules.

IMG_2395_01.CR2.xmp (20.5 KB)
Greetings from Brussels


Nice one, thanks!

Looking forward to sigmoid (and the highlight reconstruction module) landing in stable. Those might make me finally stop being lazy and compile master :slight_smile:

There should be lots of builds floating around and its easy to run multiple versions… or wait :slight_smile:

Are you on windows? If so, how about this: Nightly PKG · Workflow runs · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

I believe it is in master now … If that is stable for you.

Struggling with direct light_IMG_2395.CR2.xmp (16.1 KB)

Thank you for the challenge, this is my attempt.

Opened in RT and edited using GIMP with GMIC filters.

Simple local contrast applied twice with the second blended using multiplied function. A gradient mask used to protect the skies.

Saturation increased

Mean curvature blur set at 3 to reduce noise

What a good shot! Here is the impressionist interpretation.

IMG_2395.CR2.xmp (16.2 KB)

My play in GIMP.

Interesting interpretations, thanks a lot! I’ll give DT 4.4.x a go, it should have some nice goodies.

Almost looks frosty :slight_smile:

I enjoy the dreamy atmosphere.

Thanks! Is it me, or does it seem like there’s a bit of a dark ‘layer’ over the image? The sun is nicely visible.