Stupid color management/Distro question

Thank you, Colin. That is odd!
Some other theories why it hangs include
Wayland, or perhaps the Ryzen CPU,
or perhaps the 4K UHD monitor, or…

I thought Nvidia wasn’t supported with Wayland?

It seem like you have two problems, finding a distro that runs Ryzen 7 , which is quite new and also which desktop is best for colour management. I am running Ryzen 5 with integrated graphics on Debian sid, as Siduction, this also ensures the latest versions of applications. Any distro with a recent kernel, ( >4.17) mesa and amdgpu driver should work OK. I don’t know how you set your colour profile but using Colorhug will calibrate your monitor and generate a profile you can use for your system. I don’t think there should be any difference between any of the desktops, GTK and Plasma work fine together and all apps will run on any distro.

some apps such as darktable more or less depend on colord or xatom. XFCE has no gui for configuring colord or xatom

have you ever tried manjaro? I think it has a very new kernel and if not you can easily (bot do not ask me how) get one

Yes. I am presently on Manjaro/KDE. Works fine.

You could switch to Manjaro Gnome, if you want Gnome. But KDE is probably better for the 4K display.

I tried Fedora in a virtual box yesterday. The iso did not boot when I activated EFI. Maybe I will try it with Vmware.

Could you use display CAL

my experience is that the system forgets sooner or later which profile was set with Displaycal, so setting a profile with displaycal does not work properly

I installed Fedora now in Vmware - does not boot. I think it is because there is no EFI partition.

Hi Anna & thanks.
Actually, I do not think that that is my problem.
I cannot even boot fedora from a Live USB stick!

Try Pop!_OS by the System 76 folks. Runs Gnome 3 and comes with great hardware support baked in. Installed it on a new Lenovo laptop recently, and I’m really liking it. CMS seems very good thus far…

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Thank you. Will try…

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why aren’t your satisfied with Manjaro?

Oh, but I am very satisfied with Manjaro/KDE.
But I have been smitten by Distro Fever since the
mid-1990s – and since I read about Richard Hughes’
work with fedora, I was eager to test it.

I thought he just works for Red Hat, his Colord and other colour related work will run on any modern distro and any desktop it is not Fedora specific.

I think I just realized that it would not be so difficult to create a new Linux distro for photographers - just take Manjaro as the base, add all relevant software and some new themes to it and that’s it. Maybe Manjaro is already working on it?


Hm… Isn’t that something like Ubuntu Studio and Fedora Spin are aiming at?

Yes they are! But they are - as distros - not as good as Manjaro. Fedora has that confusing installer and Ubuntu is not up to date as far as hardware is concerned. There is no Arch based graphics distro.
I don’t know - just thinking loud.

Eek. That is a highly subjective statement.

Rather than another distro, it’d be nice to put effort into up-to-date distro packages, a la PPA, copr, or OBS, or into distro agnostic packaging, e.g. flatpak, appimage, or snap.

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