Take on RT as a Capture One user

But there won’t be any hardware acceleration available, so in that case I’d rather use GIMP.

Windows guests have 2D hardware video acceleration and 3D hardware acceleration. I doubt it will be as good as in a standalone windows computer, but Affinity works fine and smooth in my virtual machine.

In any case, it’s just a matter of installing VirtualBox, a windows version and check if Affinity works for you. It’s all free (Affinity has a 90 days trial version) and if you don’t like it, just delete it all.

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I understand, but I’m on Linux to get away from Windows and I’m not looking for reasons to use it again.

For my needs, GIMP is just fine for now.


You can we probably query Affinity’s paid support staff and ask them, instead of guessing here.

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Here it is, well, sort of… :

IMHO, running Affinity with VirtualBox is a bit “complicated” since you also need a Microsoft licence as regards Windows 10. If you want to run a legal Windows setup, I mean (no crack etc) .

Usually, when you buy a computer with Windows you are not given the opportunity to install the system on a Virtual Machine (WMware, Parallels, VirtualBox you name it).

To make it short, just run GIMP and spare you all this hassle :slight_smile:

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Virtualization is tough because of the multiple layers of abstraction. You need HW, SW and OS support on both sides of the compatibility layer. If you have the wrong combination it might take weeks to figure out. If it works, it will likely be sub-optimal. In that case, it would help if your computer were super powerful, which mine is not (in fact, it is the exact opposite, so for the most part I have given up on it).

Sure! But here in Europe you can buy a digital Windows 10 Pro license for 10€. It’s legal, and it’s recognized by Microsoft: it’s like buying that license with a new computer, but in this case your computer will be the virtual machine. If you ever delete that virtual machine, the license is not valid anymore (it’s like if you had thrown away the computer).

And about the minimum requirements I said that you will need a decent CPU and enough memory: my cpu is almost 6 years old (i7 4790), and I have 32GB of memory. It runs fine here. But of course if Gimp is good enough for you, go for it! I was just pointing to a valid alternative

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