I have the iOptron Skyguider Pro which I bought 4 years ago. I like that the battery is built-in and rechargeable. It’s held up remarkably well on cold winter nights in the mountains.
I mostly shoot nightscapes/landscape astro. Under 40-50mm I just roughly polar align it with little ill affects.
No remote capabilities on the tracker. The camera’s phone app works ok, but I rarely use it. The intervalometer on the camera only goes to 60s. I have a hardwired intervalometer too, but it was acting funny the couple times. I need to play with it during the day to figure it out.
For the longest time I struggled with blending the foreground and sky. I use DT to generate the mask and Gimp to refine and blend it together.
I haven’t done a lot of deep space, but I have a small scope and good filter if I want to shoot in my backyard. I have to deal with light pollution from Denver and its north metro area when looking south.
Fun hobby, but certainly a tiring one. I went out Sunday night for a quick shoot at Jackson Reservoir. Kind a boring foreground, but maybe it’d make a fun extended (blend) play raw(s).