Test RawTherapee 5.6-rc2

Windows 7 - rc2. File folder structure on left broken, won’t open or close folders.

[On a positive note, luminance denoise (Directional Pyramid Denoising) seems superior to RT5.4]

“+” marks in directory tree are not visible. (Windows 10 Pro)

Works fine here using my self-made build on Win7. Donwloading official rc2 build now to test…

Which + marks. Can you show screenshots from 5.5 and 5.6 rc2?

It’s the arrows to expand the folders. They work but you can’t see them.

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Hmm, can see them here… But I’m not on latest msys2. Updating now to check.

Still works fine here (Win7) with my self-made build after doing pacman -Syuu to update the msys2 environment…

I confirm, there are no arrows using the official rc2 build…

Yep. No arrows for folders tree with Windows 10 (home edition)

Should be corrected.
In the last adwaita update mingw-w64-x86_64-adwaita-icon-theme-3.32.0-1, pan*.svg icons are missing from scalable/actions and also from the png folders ( 16x16…).

So @heckflosse I don’t understand why its ok for you after a MSYS2 update?

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I also don’t understand. I did pacman -Syuu, then make clean and make install for rt and it still works fine here …

Perhaps you don’t copy the icons from MINGW64 but from an other location?

Can you also verify your adwaita version?

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I’m on the latest update of MSYS2 (a couple miniutes ago) and no Adwaita icons are missing in my MSYS2 folder.

Did you verify that pan*.svg icons are present? If yes, I will reload the adwaita package. but tomorrow :wink:

Yes, I checked the the folder C:\msys64\mingw64\share\icons\Adwaita\scalable and C:\msys64\mingw64\share\icons\Adwaita\16x16


EDIT: Ups, the icons have moved from actions to the ui folder?

Le mystere s’épaissit :roll_eyes:

edit : is it sufficient to copy the UI folder in the build?

Is there an AppImage build for rc2 on Linux?

I added links to the first post.

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I’ve just tried RC2 on macOS 10.14.4 on a Retina MacBook Pro - everything seems to be working. The graphics are a sensible size and all the icons are present (including the arrows in the folders tree).

Tried Appimage RC2 on Ubuntu Mate 18.04 64 bit, i haven’t found bugs except the regression in icon padding that wastes a bit of space.