the need for a scene referred color zones replacement

Thanks for adding it. :smiley: :smiley:

It’s what DT was missing imo, I’ve always found the similar modules in other raw editors very useful.

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Yeehaw! Looking forward to having a play with it.
Thanks @Pascal_Obry and all others involved :slightly_smiling_face:.

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there was/is a display referred color zones module since long time - quite useful and with even some further functions if you don’t overdo …


Really looking forward to playing with it. From screenshots, it looks to be quite similar to Color Zones actually, although the sliders at the bottom are a nice addition, and what Color Zones lacked IMO.

Does it have a similar feature to Tone Equalizer where you can scroll with the mouse over colours in the image to change them?

And with such a major new module being added, which everyone is excited about and can’t wait for, 4.8 is planned for the spring equinox on March 21, right? Right? :smiley:


Impressive indeed, thank you!

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Amazing, thank you!

I just went through @s7habo’s excellent 4-part series on color harmonies. He makes it look easy to edit the photos beautifully. Then I went and tried to fit some of my own photos into color harmonies, and found I was completely incapable of doing it using the color calibration matrix the way he does. Yes, I can look at one color sample and figure out how to tweak the R G B matrix to get it where I want it to go, but in the process it completely messes up colors on the other side of the vectorscope.

In the end, I can make photos look nice by using tons of instances of color balance RGB with parametric hue masking and the hue shift slider or the 4-ways tab, but it’s extremely tedious. The color sliders on sigmoid seem almost useless for my purposes, because they have a very limited effect and can’t be masked or composed (since you can only have one tone mapper per pipeline).

What I really need is a simple way to “squeeze” colors—like make everything “orangish” more orange without affecting far away hues. The color equalizer could be perfect. I imagine I could just use the red and lime sliders to push those colors towards orange? Can’t wait to try it.

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It should be helpful. It will be interesting to see how the adjustments compare to color zones and the color look up module… you could have used one of those to quickly tweak oranges without too much effort…

For example on this image… just enabling the module where it should be a no-op changes the image…

before enabling…

and after… note the waveform…

maybe a png thing??


Ah nope its the guided filter…should that change the image??? Turning it off and on alter the image… will have to check if I see the same on a raw. I had just brought this in to play with the colors and see how it behaved…


Still impact a raw file turning the guided filter on and off… but not to the extent noted in the png image…

Raw DNG…

Blend color eq with guided filter on in difference mode…


I see it has been reported… color equalizer: activating guided filter changes image even no changes are made · Issue #16098 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub


I feel like in the saturation tab red will strongly desaturate red and the same for green but blue is less impactful on blue but lavender is stronger on blue wrt saturation and perhaps also hue specific brightness changes…

No, 4.8 is for June 21st. You’ll have a wait a bit longer.

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Dammit, only just finished my x-touch mini stickies


Thrilled to see that the new color zones for scene referred is about to be ready !
Thanks @Pascal_Obry for the work !

PS 1 : On another note, and I do not know if it’s the right place to ask but, using classic color zones, i notices that selecting by hue mainly but sometime using other criteria I end-up having a rather “grainy result”. As I understand it when the picture itself is noissy the selection follow strictly the criteria thus resulting in a grainy seletion.
Would it be possible to have blur and feather control on the hue/saturation/luminance selection made when we manipulate the color zone “curve” interface ?

PS 2 : Is it still possible to select by saturation an brightness as with the former color zone so all the selection/action combination (select by hue/bright/sat and act on hue/sat/bright) is still possible as before ?

Thanks, I have done quite some work on this but certainly you need to thanks @Jens-Hanno_Schwalm for driving this hard project and fixing most of the math issues.

Probably not, the issue is fixed in Color Equalizer by providing a guided filter, so better use this new module now.

No this is not possible with the new module.


Ok that was what I meant with my question, so very nice to have this shortcoming sorted out, good job and congrats to @Jens-Hanno_Schwalm and all the team then :smiley:

Too cool! Thanks to everybody that has worked on this. :pray: I usually wait for the stable Flatpak releases, but I might have to make an exception this time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Very cool, I followed the development in GitHub and is amazing how much team work is done behind the scene to allow us to profit from darktable. Thanks to all the team!!!

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Slightly off-topic… Is getting darktable from OBS the recommended way to run master on Linux? What would the most reliable distro and way of doing this? I can run almost any distro via Distrobox.

I know, it was wishful thinking. Looking forward to the solstice in June then, although I’ll probably have a little play with a dev version before then anyway. Thanks to you and @Jens-Hanno_Schwalm for your work on this!

This comes with a data base update so take care … backup database and turnoff xmp when you play so you can still go back to 4.6

Just started playing with it and it’s very powerful! Tried roughly recreating my standard 3D LUT with it and it seems one should be able to come quite far with this new module. Exciting!

Master via OBS in a Tumbleweed distrobox worked very well. For anyone that wants to do the same, first install Distrobox, then:

distrobox create --home ~/Distroboxes/tumbleweed --image tumbleweed
distrobox enter tumbleweed
sudo zypper addrepo
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install darktable
distrobox-export --app darktable

Darktable inside the Distrobox will now hopefully be available in whatever app menu your desktop environment has.

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There is an appimage available from github.