Thistles Live Here

IMG_20240318_172121.dng.arp (12.6 KB)


Nice one!

IMG_20240318_172121_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (19.6 KB)

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IMG_20240318_172121.dng.xmp (11.9 KB)
Applied a Kodachrome 25 LUT to the land and used color balance rgb to tone down the sky. My feathering of the sky mask needs work!


My try:

IMG_20240318_172121.dng.xmp (11.9 KB)


IMG_20240318_172121.dng.xmp (15.8 KB)


IMG_20240318_172121_01.dng.xmp (23.3 KB)


Can’t say that this was easy. Bringing the thistles into the limelight meant Isolating them from the background was quite a challenge. Had to do a lot of back and forth with several modules as the xmp file will tell you. Here’s my attempt

IMG_20240318_172121.dng.xmp (22.3 KB)


Probably a bit too spicey :smiley: … but hey, that’s what I imagined :man_shrugging:

IMG_20240318_172121.dng.arp (14.6 KB)


My - fun in GIMP


So I dabbled at color work and sharpening and cropping and framing (the framing color pickers don’t seem to work right), and I’m not sure I learned anything, except how to waste time.


IMG_20240318_172121_24.dng.xmp (21.6 KB)


Overall I think it looks very nice to me.

The challenge for me in this photo having not seen the original location was how green/lush was the grass or was it more dry and scrubby if that is a even a word… I felt like it would be on the drier side but many edits have added a lot of color.
A thing stood out catching my eye is the cotton fluff in the foreground and I like it when its whiter as I think it looks more natural. I could see some cast in your image so I just used an instance of color balance with the picker on the neutralize that in the bottom half of the photo as you edited it and with that small touch I really liked your edit…

IMG_20240318_172121.dng.xmp (20.9 KB)



I see what you mean about the cast, an d I agree it should be whiter. Thanks for the feedback. I keep watching Boris’ videos on color, and I think I understand it while I am watching, but when I go to edit a photo, I feel lost. So I try this and I try that. I suppose if I do that enough, something will click in my mind eventually.

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I really liked what you arrived at with the sky and building. The CC on the fluff I added was nice for the foreground but messed up the sky so I just masked it out and I really like what you did… so again I don’t think you wasted your time

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Here is a version from me.
Digging more and more into film simulations lately.
Here is the rendition of this nice photo.
Started with a linear export with dartable with a 3 stops gradual density filter.

IMG_20240318_172121.dng.xmp (17.9 KB)


That’s very nice actually… I feel you should do an article somewhere on your process.

I’m getting something a lot different out of the posted xmp:

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I will definitely try to write something, and maybe prepare some code to share. What I did is to take the datasheets of film stocks and print paper from Kodak and Fuji, and use them to recreate a physically reasonable pipeline. The data for Portra 400 that I used above, for example:

Still, I am not sure that all the math is correct, but the results are somewhat believable. Some fine-tuning is probably needed.

Yeah, sorry I didn’t specify fully. What you get from the xmp is the linear-rgb file I used as input of my film simulation code.

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It actually looks very nice.