Tiger Tiger burning bright

Ahh, looks much better than my overcooked attempt :+1:

a-20151121080532_Rajashthan-5.jpg.out.arp (11.2 KB)


20151121080532_Rajashthan-art.jpg.out.arp (10.8 KB)

Such a beautiful animal isn’t it.

Also gave the second one a try:

tiger.tiger.tree.canon.eos.1000d.cr2.xmp (8.2 KB) darktable 3.0.1


ART 1.2
I love cats …

20151121080509_Rajashthan.jpg.out.arp (11,1 KB)


20151121080509_Rajashthan.pfi (31.8 KB)

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Beautiful cat!
Agfa Vista 200 LUT

Edit: had noise reduction activated, here is the image without and more details:

20151121080532_Rajashthan_RT-2.jpg.out.pp3 (12.6 KB)


20151121080532_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (8.4 KB) 20151121080532_Rajashthan_01.CR2.xmp (8.9 KB) 20151121080509_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (10.9 KB) 20151121080509_Rajashthan_01.CR2.xmp (11.2 KB)


Great animal!

20151121080532_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (16.0 KB)

Thanks for sharing !
20151121080532_Rajashthan 20151121080532_Rajashthan.cr2.xmp (15.8 KB)

I wouldn’t like to be its target!

20151121080532_Rajashthan.png.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)
RT5.8dev (commit d63fb77c8)

I couldn’t help but process the other photo. Thanks for sharing.

a-20151121080509_Rajashthan-1.jpg.out.arp (11.1 KB)

Similar profile to my first entry, some NR added to reduce visible chroma noise

20151121080509_Rajashthan_RT.jpg.out.pp3 (12.6 KB)

Cute kitten! DT and GIMP.

Nice capture @zhopudey! Good to see that you were sufficiently awake to take this photo! (For the uninitiated, his user name means `Let me sleep’ in Marathi language)

Here is a RT 5.8 version. Instead of making the tiger stand out from the busy background, the idea was to emphasize its natural camouflage. That explains an almost monochromatic look to the photo.
20151121080532_Rajashthan.jpg.out.pp3 (12.6 KB)

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Shreedhar you win the award for “1st person in the world to understand my user name without me having to explain it”. :smile:

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My take with DT.

20151121080532_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (9.7 KB)


Thank you for the play:

With GIMP and G’MIC:

A bit more tone and warmer:

My trial on the play image, thank you for sharing

20151121080532_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (10.6 KB)

dt 3.4.1

20151121080509_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (8.8 KB)
20151121080532_Rajashthan.CR2.xmp (8.7 KB)