Timelapse "Baustelle"


today we had some fun while climbing and I shot pictures for a short timelapse video. However I have no idea what software to use for such a video. Any suggestions?


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With Avisynth you can read all images in a directory and let avisynth make a video out of it.

Moreover you can use Avisynth as a framesource and use it like a videofile in a video editing software

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I’ve used kdenlive to produce a timelapse video, but I don’t know how it compares to avisynth.

Ffmpeg will do the job!

Do you have a link to a howto which explains which parameters should be used?

It would depend on your shots and what your expectations are. I find that the ffmpeg doc is quite easy to follow.

I like this tutorial, it is very complete:

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If you want to use something that actually has a graphical user interface, I’ve had good luck with VirtualDub for creating time lapse sequences from jpeg’s.

How about Blender?