Torrevieja Pond

Wysyłanie: CRW_0009-HDR_Night-LAB.jpg
Short ball.
Demosaic SNS-HDR Lite GUI, further GIMP, Heal selection, Layout for LAB
L channel denoising channel A and B a little color change

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Going for a low-key, soft and dreamy look.
DT 3.5 doesn’t write the xmp file for this, I don’t know why

Thanks for sharing.

CRW_0009.jpg.out.pp3 (11.6 KB) (RT 5.8)


CRW_0009.jpg.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)

Color Propagation highlight recovery mode gave me the best looking transition around the sun - but then the sun almost disappears in the sky. To make it look more natural, I added an LC curve adjustment to reduce the chroma (saturation) of the lightest colours in the image.


ART 1.8.2

CRW_0009.jpg.out.arp (11.2 KB)


CRW_0009.CRW.jpg.out.pp3 (12,2 KB)

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thanks for posting, it’s not easy to deal with the highlights, sun and sea reflections
dt 3.4.1

torrevieja.pond.pp3 (20.3 KB) RawTherapee 5.8 (Development)

This one turned out to be harder than it initially looked…

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Processed in the SNS-HDR Pro.


CRW_0009.CRW.pp3 (18.3 KB)

My test with ART is relatively easy.
Impossible for me to have an acceptable result with darktable relative to the scene (fimical colour calibration).
Too much saturation.
Colour drift towards green on the ground.

CRW_0009.jpg.out.arp (11.2 KB)


Thank you all for your views, I see I have to learn a lot still. I thought really high contrast would be the only option, but I was proven wrong. I’ll try out your pp3 files and see how you did it, although if you used curves, that’s out of my league.

I really like the silhouette versions that bring out the nice rimlight so I was also going for that.


CRW_0009.jpg.out.pp3 (13.3 KB)


Don’t be afraid of curves, they are soooo powerful and not as complicated as they seem. Watch a tutorial about tone curves and about additive color theory and you’re good to go.

In short:
The left border is black the right border is white. Make 2 points on the diagonal: 1/4 in and 3/4 in. Pull the left one down, the right one up. You’re increasing contrast: shadows down, highlights up.

Now do the opposite. Left one up, right one down. You’re decreasing the contrast: shadows up, highlights down.

On RGB curves it’s basically the same but for every color channel individually so you can change the colors in every direction.

In my version I was pulling down the blue channel which introduces yellow (red <–> cyan / green <–> magenta / blue <–> yellow) and increasing the red channel which then made it more orange.

I can only encourage you to dive into it. It looks scary but it really isn’t. Check out the pp3, deactivate RGB curves to the what it does and play with the nodes to see how they affect the image.

Hello @jose-lens, new to photography and already a very good shot, congrats!

I slightly adapted your pp3 file by activating Retinex.

CRW_0009.rt58-2819.jpg.out.pp3 (13.6 KB)

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first step: RT CRW_0009.CRW.pp3 (11,3 KB)

second step: Gimp bnw (pseudogrey + g2g 1500/8/20) as in PIXLS.US - Digital B&W Conversion (GIMP) (plus contrast)

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wow, that link is pure gold, I have gladly spent my morning reading it.

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@jose-lens: kudos to @patdavid

to get rid of your distant moon, the gimp tool named ‚heal‘ (h shortcut) should do it.

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my attempt

darktable does not create a *.xmp file for this file…??

processing steps should be in the *.jpg

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