Tweaking the CSS stylesheet

A few. I used to use Ubuntu Condensed as a main UI driver, but I got tired of it at some moment. Now I’m looking for a new favorite)) among which are mostly Roboto, paratype fonts (they have well balanced Cyrillic glyphs, which is not that common: PT Sans Condensed and PT Root UI mostly) and some Iosevka. I like thin glyphs and narrower wides, but that’s the most problematic fonts to render on a non HiDPI displays. Also, many fonts look good in its Latin part and go uglier in Cyrillic. That’s quite common, unfortunately.

I also want to add up to my previous post. I massively enlarged the DT interface screenshot and saw what I’ve not seen before: awful rendering of vertical lines. It shouldn’t be this way:


Probably this forum is not a right place to discuss fonts, it looks like my issue is not DT-related, DT only exposed it in a more pronounced way.

Just a hint: you may have something called “subpixel hinting” or “subpixel rendering” with the wrong setting (I see something like what you show if I use BGR instead of RBG). That would indeed be a system setting.