v4.4 appears grayed-out

I just downloaded and installed darktable 4.4.2 and it appears grayed-out in my Windows 11 machine. Only the logo and a selected image look normal.

I’ve uninstalled and closed win 11 and reloaded it twice and it looks the same.

Downloaded from where?

What’s grayed out?

Maybe post a screenshot

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Do you mean the UI…this is intentional if that is what you mean ie its bland and gray… this helps not to bias your editing… It can be changed in preferences… but I am not 100% sure this is what you are talking about

EDIT I have a few tweaks using CSS but the main choices are shown in the drop down in the this screenshot …again if this is what you are referring to…

Try changing the theme in preferences? The current default does appear pretty grey if you’re not used to it.

If the UI has a lot of color in it then this throws our color perception very badly, so this is the reason for the default grey look. Do try the different themes as others have suggested.

I like the one just called “darktable”, FWIW. :slight_smile:

That screen image is what I see. It just looks wrong, sorry for the wasted time.


Wrong for a word processor but not photoediting…good thing is its easy to change… you might like this one better then…

user.zip (4.9 KB)

This comes from @difrkaguilar Franklin… he has been tweaking things to be easier on the eyes and to ignore the bland gray used to keep your perception more neutral while editing

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Here I left two screenshots of the last version of the theme if someone wants to see a preview before use it.

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