Versions of RT pp3 files: re-using

To have more than one version of edits to a raw file, x.raw, I think I would have to save a jpg with a x.vy.jpg.out.pp3 file for each version. Then if I wanted to do more work on a particular version, I would have to:

  • delete the x.raw.pp3,
  • move, say, x.v1.jpg.out.pp3 to the C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\RawTherapee\profiles folder,
  • open x.raw in RT,
  • and apply x.v1.jpg.out.pp3 using the Processing Profile Selector.

Is that right?

Save a separate pp3-copy of every new edit version of the raw to [folder_tree]/rawtherapee/profiles and load them to image as needed. Just give an unique name to it and thatโ€™s it. No need to delete any files, the pp3 next to raw file is just a work-in-progress-pp3.

As I understand it, there is no way to directly save just a pp3 via RT. I would have to use Windows Explorer to make a copy with a different name and then move it to profiles, correct?

If I load a pp3 from profiles, that changes the pp3 next to the raw file to be the same as the loaded pp3?

My limited experience has been that when I put a pp3 in profiles, I have to restart RT to make it available. Any way around that?


@Underexposed Maybe I can enlighten you :wink:
Use the save button, then select the profiles folder

The profile then will automagically appear here

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Wow! So easy and there all along. Thanks!

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