Wayland color management

Yes you can load the icc profiles. However this is limited to KDE’s kwin (I do not know if gnome supports loading icc profile) And this is limited to only sRGB so if you have a wider gamut monitor like Adobe RGB your colours will be clipped to sRGB since application do not have access to the profile you loaded for your monitor and they need to output in sRGB for it to work correctly. Even colour picking is limited to sRGB.

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gnome wayland had ICC profile support for a long time already.


Also good to note KDE 6 is only expected to arrive by the end of February, still a good while to go until we see this live. Maybe then there will have been more progress on the matter.

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That is great to hear. I should give gnome a try.

Yes it will definitely improve more. But I do not think wayland will be ready this February.

Even if KWin adds all the feature required for colour management. Applications need to be updated as well. Wayland needs portals and other mechanisms and I am sure applications like GIMP, krita Inkscape will not be ready until February Since the portals are not ready yet and then apps and DE need to implement those

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Interesting perspective about the cost of maintaining xorg in RHEL. RHEL 9 will be supported until 2032 so people always have the option of running that if it’s critical to their mission.

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And maybe by 2032 Wayland will be a usable alternative to X11 :stuck_out_tongue:


Redhat is not a volunteer or non profit organisation. It is its job to maximise profit and discard things which is not in its interest. I do not know what the thread is trying to say. A company is choosing not to invest money in a tech which is not important to it. It is not as if a sole volunteer developer is burdened with it. Should we sympathise with the amount of work a developer is supposed to do for which they are paid by a corporate? Or should we say yeah good for poor Redhat doing all the work for the community out of goodwill?

I find it strange to see a thread by a employee telling how a company is finding it hard to do what they are paid for by their customer.

Wayland has been in development for over a decade and xorg development slowed down for quiet some time and yet until recently it was okay for Redhat to invest in xorg but now it seems it sees wayland as good investment that is it.

Yes wayland is the future and xorg is dead. But making the transition a smoother is not in the plans of Redhat. And all these statements are part of the PR in my eyes.

There are many things yet to be fixed in wayland atleast for us artists. Just today I filed 6 bug reports for the tablet setting gui in plasma. I suggest you to do the same. Test wayland and report bugs that is the least we could do. Do not fall for the hype and PR by corporate distros.

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I don’t believe that was the purpose of the post, of course Redhat will maximize profits, even if a lot of their decisions are rather strange for that effect.

That’s why xorg will be supported for almost 10 more years, and clients/software developers have been let known of this change for over two years. I don’t think they have anything to gain by screwing up something essential their clients use.

I believe those posts were meant more as a response for people that complain and ask why we couldn’t just keep using xorg instead. I’m sure a lot of wayland devs, who were themselves xorg devs, would’ve kept it going if it was less work than starting over. It seems like it’s a response to that.

I don’t have any hype for corporate distros or their decisions, but we can’t ignore the fact that they end up setting trends that other smaller distros(a lot of them commercial), with high user bases, end up following.

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Darktable doesn’t work with Wayland, does it?

No it falls back to xwayland.


(disclaimer: all the opinions expressed here are my own and not the ones of my employer)

Packager here … if I would pick something to package now … then it would be something that is actually still actively developed and not something which is basically stuck in “not quite dead yet” mode.

if you add the support cycles of enterprise distros (12y+) … that would mean maintaining xorg until 2037 at least. and xorg doesnt really have a great track record lately when it comes to security.

do you really expect redhat will be the only distro doing this? you should probably see this as a start of what is to come. I would suspect more distros will follow.

so now is the time to get your apps ready for wayland.

or start to become very familiar with the Xorg code base so people can start helping with maintaining it.


No I know many will follow Redhat. I also do not expect Redhat to do the work for free. I am just pointing out that this sense of urgency is created by Redhat now, while xorg was already dead for many years. And right now suddenly it has become a burden. So it is urgent when Redhat wants it and not when everyone else is ready or wants it, which is understandable since Redhat was maintaining xorg for its own profit until now. But it is not because Redhat is some kind of saint. we were just lucky that our needs aligned.

Which is the main issue, apps that we use are not ready yet. I do not code so I don’t have the expertise to make the port. And I know that app developers are busy, they will eventually do the port but it will take time.

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It can be argued that without external pressure, both app developers and driver/vendors (nvidia) will not put in the work since there is no official deadline. Afaik RHEL is used in a lot of studios and Vfx environments, will they all swap out to an entire different solution to fix this issue? Or will nvidia, black magic, etc, be forced to give proper support in the meanwhile(10 years)?

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There is actually a case already where a commercial audio software is wayland only.


They still run RHEL 7/8 :slight_smile: And will move to v9 (at some point), supported to 2032(+) with X11.

And to be honest, supporting X11 with some minor security fixes after that would not be that hard IMHO.

Also, Wayland need to be on-par with X11 to even be considered an alternative, not supporting basic stuff like multi window arrangement and proper color management is a show stopper.


Tbh, Linux Desktop needs more people/companies like Valve, to cut shenanigans, ego plays and amateurism of small developer teams that work on the projects that are bigger than themselves.

Linus Torvalds predicted that Valve would save the Linux Desktop in 2014. And he was right. What Valve did with their Proton & SteamOS and cross-distro support, we need the same in the graphics department. Until that comes, we are left with the half-baked systems like Wayland that took ages to mature and is now being adopted by almost everyone (with X11 soon to be obsolete) - yet at the same time does not have some basic features that should have been considered since day one. The entire designer and video industry depends on it and are left behind. Why? Because someone was shortsighted and didn’t understand the task and importance of the job.


That’s a pretty rough take for the people working on those projects.


there is actually a wayland color mgmt API now and IIRC krita and gimp are already investigating to implement it. so which makes me wonder … now that we have this available when do ART/DT/RT start working on native wayland support.

Especially under the light of things like:

Wouldn’t make sense to start with the work for ART/DT/RT now so that this wont become a last minute rush.

forgot to mention. Weston seems to have support for it already