webp images not detected in file browser when importing (ARM - Manjaro Linux)


Webp images are not shown in the file browser when importing images in DT.

Everything else seems to work fine an fast on my humble ARM SBC.

OS is Manjaro Linux. DT was installed with mighty Pacman.

Any clues on what is wrong or missing?

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

What version of darktable? Is the package built with webp support?

I don’t think dt actually supports WebP for import, only for export.


It’s the most recent version.

Webp is now a popular format, why importing is not supported?

darktable’s main focus is raw image processing. Webp is not raw. However, I’m sure a PR to add it would be accepted. But not sure anyone would actively take up development because cameras aren’t producing webp images.

Hi paperdgits,

Thanks for the quick answer.

IMHO, DT should support all popular image formats and webp is one of them.

It would be specially useful not only for retouching but also, in the light table, to organize this type of images.

I see that DT uses graphicsmagick. It should be fairly easy to add support. I’ve use this library (not with C) and is not difficult to add webp functionality to an app.

¿How can I issue a request to add webp support?

Thanx! :slightly_smiling_face:

You will start an issue here requesting a new Feature. Explain what you want and the benefit. If someone (or you) 1) thinks it is a good idea, 2) has the knowledge to write the code in C, 3) has the time and desire to work on this feature and 4) others agree with the adding it, then it might make it to master.

I personally dont think it fits into darktable. darktable main focus is to process raw images. darktable does import/process jpg but I’m not sure how many actually use that feature.

I’d assume jpeg and tiff are actually quite popular, because cameras produce jpegs and tiff is a standard interchange format. But I’m not aware of any camera producing webp by default where that is the only choice.

Also, TIFF can be many things in addition: 16-bit, half (16-bit) float, (32-bit) float, all of which mean wider gamut and greater dynamic range which is suitable for scene-referred re-processing in darktable. WebP (and JPEG) are more limited in that regard (both 8-bit originally), with JPEG just being the universal panacea, so it kinda had to be supported for import.

If you want to massage JPEGs and WebPs, go w/ the GIMP.

Darktable supports EXR for input and import, for example. I use it since my negative-inverting software writes this as output. And I use 16bit tiff to go from one program into another, etc…

Thing is, people always find ideas and workflows that the software writers didn’t think about or didn’t think was important.

Now, to create a complete new feature for an extreme case, mweh. But… importing of regular rgb images is already supported and used, it’s ‘just another format’.

So I do see the use case for it, even if there are no cameras that produce webp images… someone will find a use for it, and it’s not major bloat or a major new feature ‘just in case someone is going to use it’.

But it does stand and fall with someone willing to put the time in, of course…