A further edit, it’s got evening…
2024-01-01t14-25-54_6813_01.cr2.xmp (16.8 KB)
Playing with color eq in master:
Actually think this is pretty decent. Certainly captures the feeling of being there, while still having a little pop.
2024-01-01t14-25-54_6813.cr2.xmp (17.1 KB)
I’m kind of embarrased by this one. History contains 31 entries, mostly minor adjustment to the same few modules, as if I had no idea where I was going with this or maybe that I had some trouble getting there. Anyway, tried to capture wet, grey and most of all dreary.
2024-01-01t14-25-54_6813.cr2.xmp (16.6 KB)
Wet but less dreary? RT v5.10-rc1
branch, with a Local Adjustment blur spot on the graffiti.
I also went with my “standard” edits, because I knew if I messed with the colors, I could take it anywhere. dt 4.6