What does DT's Histogram show? Newbie...

it’s not quite that simple, I guess. Does it show 8-Bit? Does it show the dynamic range of the Camera? According to the output device/profile?
I was told in Lightroom there is a switch for that.
Same question for Under-Overexposure warnings. Once I got an 10-Bit Monitor I have 1024 values instead of 255.
Thanks in advance, I’m not quite a newbie (I think).
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

The histogram shows the image characteristics at the output end of the pixel pipeline. You can set what color space the historgram should use by right-click on the soft proof button at the bottom right of the image. If you select “sRGB” colorspace, then yes, it will be 8-bit. This is separate from the bit depth at the camera end – the image from camera gets converted to 32 bit floating point numbers, and pixel pipleline does its thing, and it gets converted back into integer values at the other end if needed.

Concerning exposure clipping indicator, maybe its best to just refer you to this article:

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Bear in mind that this link is discussing new functionality in the current development version (which will be released as v3.4 at Christmas) and not the latest official release.

right, good point. The official documentation link is here:

The other link I gave above is to a work-in-progress article about what is planned for the 3.4 Christmas release, but I included it because it may give some more insight than the existing user manual entry. That new clipping indicator functionality is already available in the development release of darktable, in case anyone is interested to check it out.

Thank you very much, didn’t recognize the switch of the softproof button.

I’m using daily github version, didn’t understand the settings of the clipping settings.
I have to read the article about clipping several times again :wink:
Also, I didn’ know where to find the documentation of the github-Version. Now I know.
Again, thank you…

“The histogram you see in the top right corner is the data sent to the display, after the full pipeline is processed, and (in darktable 3.0) you can select in which RGB space you want it (“histogram profile” option when you open the softproofing menu)”