What is Natron's problem?

Naah, but that’s a common theme with wives and open source devs or researchers I’ve noticed xD

Try explaining to a wife that you’re using your time and money to make a community (not even a tangible piece of software that she can use!). :smiley: :crazy_face:


Since I don’t have a wife I never really notice how stuff like that might sound crazy to a “normal” person. And if I haven’t been indoctrinated by RMS and others, today that might sound crazy to me also.

Back to the topic. Companies don’t care for FOSS that much. They care for the software that accomplishes a task with acceptable result in the least amount of time. Not having an outrageously expensive license is a plus but not a must.

I think darktable is the closest to that goal. It lacks some big features like painted raster masks that will probably never come but it’s pretty much there otherwise and ready to replace any other raw processor.

Natron however in my opinion first needs a new theme and a nice one. I’ve noticed that even if you have the most powerful software ever, if its theme sucks then nobody will use it.
Unfortunately to the ordinary user a nice theme is a measure of product’s quality.
Kinda like if you were to measure the quality of a book by it’s weight.

If the software is presentable then it makes sense to showcase it on youtube videos etc, otherwise there is a lot of competition; After Effects, Fusion, Nuke, Hitfilm.

But the point is to use it. With Natron I get the feeling that everybody waits for it to become the best compositing software ever but nobody uses it for any productions now. How can we change that?

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i wish Gimp be as ugly as Natron, Natron is already Good enough although there is always place for growth.
if you rotate a picture in gimp and rotate it back to previous position it reduces quality of image!
also we are going to enter a new era of software, now that AI is going to be implemented in software’s (it is already implemented in Photoshop “smart selection …”) FOSS project are going to become more and more old! then they were before.

Oh man, you should have watched DaVinci Resolve 17 conference yesterday. AI masking for video. You’ll cry after this one:

I’ve tested it with Vega 64, both AMDGPU-PRO and ROCm. It crashes on loading the video preview. Their linux support is worse and worse every release :sob:

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They probably are busy working on iPhone version :grinning:

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I was thinking that was a post to help Natron… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No one can demand anything from the devs of a floss project, is highly disrespectful and totally demotivating, there should be a natural symbiosis between devs and users of a floss project, both give meaning to the other part. It becomes perfect when also users are able to sustain the project economically.

Natron is a great project, the main difference between other projects like the aforementioned Scribus is that at a certain point it had a tremendous explosion that generated a lot of attention, but now has a slow pace like the majority of the floss project.

Reading that helping economically the project would not be enough is a shame, how can we help the project then?


This thread escalated quickly…

Anyway, what Natron needs is developers*, donations etc are currently useless. Until that happens the situation will not change much(**).

We have a large community with talented and dedicated artists that help each other and new users, creates new plugins, documentation and tutorials, that’s far from a “dead” project (IMHO).

(*) This has been a problem since the start, and I doubt this will change much. It’s a niche project.
(**) I will try to work more on Natron in the future, spare time has been an issue on my part since this summer, mostly due to a new job. And, Natron works for my needs, so motivation to work on stuff I don’t need/want has low priority.

That’s because Natron had developers and funding, but at a certain point the funding stopped since the project failed to “go commercial”. The project is now 100% FLOSS, so it’s up to the community to continue the development (for good and worse).


Post Number 5

Post number 25

i think it is highly disrespectful that you are “assuming” and accusing me being disrespectful.

no this post is not to help Natron and if you think that way you need to think again because you made MISTAKE. this post was about , can i trust Natron being around and why should i invest my time on Natron if it has no clear future.
there is a clear difference between what i am saying and what you are imagining inside!

Using bold to highlight things (especially when quoting comments from others) does not really feel appropriate for the god of silence

it this mean “shut up”?
nice avatar by the way!

Not at all.

Btw: I offer my help in improving processing speed for Natron, in case that’s needed. I already did that (not offering, but in fact making serious speedups) for several projects (LuminanceHdr, Filmulator, HdrMerge, Siril and of course RawTherapee)

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i seems that i am the am the Natron’s problem here! so i leave to reduce problem! it is better for topic to closed.
and it would better if there was an option to delete your account from website.

Why? It was just you, who made me think of offering help for Natron development!

Thanks, here’s a screenshot of the original :wink:

no this post is not to help Natron and if you think that way you need to think again because you made MISTAKE. this post was about , can i trust Natron being around and why should i invest my time on Natron if it has no clear future.
there is a clear difference between what i am saying and what you are imagining inside!

Surely I made a mistake… And you don’t need to invest your time in Natron, and who care about your time? Is it your time such important for the Natron development?

Do what you consider the best for you but respect the work of the people that dedicate their personal time working on Natron.

From your first post:

Really, it’s not a fundamental question of money; it’s a fundamental question of engagement. Right now, Natron appears to have a cadre of involved developers who can find the time and inclination to perform maintenance, without the incentive of payment. Throwing money at these folk doesn’t just magically solve the problem; software development is not a ‘gig’ engagement. It requires significant commitment in learning the architecture and organization of the code base which a few dollars here and there (substitute your own currency) cannot magically solve.

The more powerful influence upon the health of open-source projects is the commitment of talented individuals, for whatever reasons they might bring to the table. Money might be one reason, but a ‘gig’ approach to payment doesn’t endear most to an involved commitment when they need to first figure out how to survive in the world.

If you really want to rely on Natron for your endeavors, you might consider pitching in…

Edit: Sorry @heckflosse, I thought I’d clicked the other reply button… :laughing:


No problem :slight_smile:

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