What is Natron's problem?


I was thinking that was a post to help Natron… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No one can demand anything from the devs of a floss project, is highly disrespectful and totally demotivating, there should be a natural symbiosis between devs and users of a floss project, both give meaning to the other part. It becomes perfect when also users are able to sustain the project economically.

Natron is a great project, the main difference between other projects like the aforementioned Scribus is that at a certain point it had a tremendous explosion that generated a lot of attention, but now has a slow pace like the majority of the floss project.

Reading that helping economically the project would not be enough is a shame, how can we help the project then?


This thread escalated quickly…

Anyway, what Natron needs is developers*, donations etc are currently useless. Until that happens the situation will not change much(**).

We have a large community with talented and dedicated artists that help each other and new users, creates new plugins, documentation and tutorials, that’s far from a “dead” project (IMHO).

(*) This has been a problem since the start, and I doubt this will change much. It’s a niche project.
(**) I will try to work more on Natron in the future, spare time has been an issue on my part since this summer, mostly due to a new job. And, Natron works for my needs, so motivation to work on stuff I don’t need/want has low priority.

That’s because Natron had developers and funding, but at a certain point the funding stopped since the project failed to “go commercial”. The project is now 100% FLOSS, so it’s up to the community to continue the development (for good and worse).


Post Number 5

Post number 25

i think it is highly disrespectful that you are “assuming” and accusing me being disrespectful.

no this post is not to help Natron and if you think that way you need to think again because you made MISTAKE. this post was about , can i trust Natron being around and why should i invest my time on Natron if it has no clear future.
there is a clear difference between what i am saying and what you are imagining inside!

Using bold to highlight things (especially when quoting comments from others) does not really feel appropriate for the god of silence

it this mean “shut up”?
nice avatar by the way!

Not at all.

Btw: I offer my help in improving processing speed for Natron, in case that’s needed. I already did that (not offering, but in fact making serious speedups) for several projects (LuminanceHdr, Filmulator, HdrMerge, Siril and of course RawTherapee)

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i seems that i am the am the Natron’s problem here! so i leave to reduce problem! it is better for topic to closed.
and it would better if there was an option to delete your account from website.

Why? It was just you, who made me think of offering help for Natron development!

Thanks, here’s a screenshot of the original :wink:

no this post is not to help Natron and if you think that way you need to think again because you made MISTAKE. this post was about , can i trust Natron being around and why should i invest my time on Natron if it has no clear future.
there is a clear difference between what i am saying and what you are imagining inside!

Surely I made a mistake… And you don’t need to invest your time in Natron, and who care about your time? Is it your time such important for the Natron development?

Do what you consider the best for you but respect the work of the people that dedicate their personal time working on Natron.

From your first post:

Really, it’s not a fundamental question of money; it’s a fundamental question of engagement. Right now, Natron appears to have a cadre of involved developers who can find the time and inclination to perform maintenance, without the incentive of payment. Throwing money at these folk doesn’t just magically solve the problem; software development is not a ‘gig’ engagement. It requires significant commitment in learning the architecture and organization of the code base which a few dollars here and there (substitute your own currency) cannot magically solve.

The more powerful influence upon the health of open-source projects is the commitment of talented individuals, for whatever reasons they might bring to the table. Money might be one reason, but a ‘gig’ approach to payment doesn’t endear most to an involved commitment when they need to first figure out how to survive in the world.

If you really want to rely on Natron for your endeavors, you might consider pitching in…

Edit: Sorry @heckflosse, I thought I’d clicked the other reply button… :laughing:


No problem :slight_smile:

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i don’t really mind this part, express your inner self!

but i have problem whit this part, you want forcibly make it look like that i am disrespecting nartron’s developers. you are trying to misrepresent my point.

thank you for answering
but let me say something! i am not a western person! and it seems there is a big cultural difference between you and us.
i already told twice that “natron is already more than what i need personaly”
in my culture when you are criticism about some thing it is not just because of your personal gain! or even sometimes you don’t have any gain at all.
for example if i am saying that we should not do some thing to some animals it is not because of my personal gain. i asked generally and it seems people in here have some problem with criticism and they see those who ask question or criticism or want something to change as bad person or some thing.
they think i want to take advantage and use them as slaves! :grinning:

It looks like you are unable to understand that your behavior is totally rude and disrespectful:

Also the tone of your posta, @low_elo_chess is pretty terrible. Please try harder

You can be nice, say the truth, and not sound like an entitled child, all at the same time. It actually isn’t that hard. Please try it out.

I think it’s really about approaching and framing your question in a way so as to get a clear answer. We don’t mind frankness, but we do ask for a reasonable level of civility.

Asking you to communicate with some care is not bullying, and this tattic of argument is not tolerated here.

I was just responding to your assertion that Natron wasn’t sufficiently funded.

so you jumped on me because you so i had an argument with a moderator and you wanted to virtue signal and show your self as a good person?
i think my tone is not something so serious that you can sue someone upon.
but you clearly insulted and tried to misrepresent me.
thankfully all text exist!
also if i had a bad tone (and i admitted in and probably you didn’t read it as well) it doesn’t give you right to say what you want to me.

And enough is enough. This thread goes into a cooldown period.