The sun emits all types of radiation. Visually, sunshine changes colour when the composition of the atmosphere and your position relative to the sun changes. That is why colours are different at solar noon and sunset for example, or in the summer and winter.
An example of how the atmosphere influences colour is the sunrise or sunset. Examine dozens of photos of them, or better yet observe them directly, with eye protection of course. Don’t they all look different? Don’t they sometimes contain hues that you wouldn’t expect in the sky? Have you ever seen images that you would quickly dismiss as fake but are actually observable? There is a lot more going on than smog and air quality, and there are many types of smog and air quality conditions to begin with.
PS To clarify, I used the sunset and sunrise as an example because the angle of the sun at that time allows for much more atmospheric scattering to happen than other moments.
PPS Previously, I mentioned that it has to do with our perception as well. In your case, I am fairly certain that it is the sky that has a different colour and that affects how you see the sun. If you do a quick web search, you would realize that the sun is white. Check out
– What Color do YOU think the Sun is?
– Color Choosing Paradox, also Warmer vs Cooler.