Why over exposed indicator doesn't show any issue?

I have this image:

and the background is badly overexposed in the area circled in green:

I tried and cranked down exposure in that area, and as you can see there are yellow/orange artefacts.

I think this depends on clipped highlights, but the raw over exposed indicator does not show anything. Why? Maybe because only some channels are clipped?

Here is the raw file and the sidecar file:
20221228_162401_0065.ORF.zip (18.4 MB)

20221228_162401_0065.ORF.xmp (40.7 KB)

Everything licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

@solitone I believe that you will have to
upload that image again; it shows only as Uploading

Confirming…and you can just upload it no need for zip…

I updated my original post, now the zipped raw is there.

Here I’m uploading the unzipped raw file. Could you please confirm the uploaded file has everything, not just the embedded jpeg?

I think the raw is okay. It could simply be a wb issue… You have mostly shade and the wb has a really warm setting that exacerbates the look of the section in the sun. This might be a perfect use of masked instances of color calibration to handle mixed lighting… if you wb the background the foreground is too blue and the reverse is true I think…

I agree with Todd. There is no clipping. I did a white balance on the snow in the late afternoon sun and it leaves the shadows very blue.

Using 2 CC modules… you could mask and adjust to taste for sure…


After reading the other posts, I loaded your .xmp sidecar. Turns out the artifacts are actually caused by the masked instance of exposure (exposure 1) To test I greatly increased the blur and reduced the feathering… this causes other problems, but the bright patch looks fine.
I’m just about to try using tone eq instead…

Ok, I’m back. To start with I didn’t use tone eq… I tried to preserve your edit as much as possible. Partly why that area looks so overexposed when I removed the masked exposure, is that the filmic white relative exposure is set too low for that bit (at this point) but setting it correctly spoils the contrast on the snow. My solution is to use two instances of filmic both using the same mask in opposite polarities :slightly_smiling_face:
The original instance masked to everything else, and the new one masked to the bright bit, with different settings on relative exposure, contrast and also contrast in highlights is set to ‘safe’ (this used to be the default - works better on really bright bits in some cases)

Uploading: 20221228_162401_0065.ORF.xmp…
I just noticed that this .xmp didn’t upload, and I’ve overwritten it :face_with_hand_over_mouth: let me know if it’s wanted and I’ll recreate it.

And one more :wink:
Sigmoid this time, starting from the beginning:
20221228_162401_0065.ORF.xmp (18.2 KB)

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Did you use 2 disjoint masks? Have you got the sidecar file?

Looks like a white balance issue to me: shadow foreground (5000K or higher), sunny background (4000K or lower).
You can try using two instances of colour calibration with proper masks (just ignore the resulting warning)

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I’ll dig it up but you can always just load the jpg as a sidecar it has the history…you may have to change the dialogue to select all files as it defaults to xmp… sorry I forgot to add it. I may have done more messing around but essentially yes I masked above the tree line to a different illuminant so with 2 instances of CC module. Your as shot due to the shade is like 8000K so just too warm for the sunny section. Even using legacy wb and using the default for your camera and selecting daylight offers a better starting point that the as shot one you have… but CC 2 instances… AP has a nice video where he breaks this down… I will try to find it and add it here as an edit… I didn’t do a great job on the mask as I recall so I added a lot of feathering but it’s was more for demonstration and the image I uploaded is a bit dark … also you can tweak it to make the portion of the hill in the sun warmer if you wanted or not … sometimes this is a bit of a “done to suit your taste” sort of adjustment…


Here it is…you can watch from about the 33 min point until the example of the train image is masked and adjusted for two illuminants… one for shadows and one for the sunlit part… The video is technical but it is a good one and shows why the modern wb is an available option in DT…


One question. What do you typically use for your histogram… The waveform is a really good option to analyse and work with this sort of issued and to monitor your edit… It can really show you what is going on…


My version…

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Great capture! :sparkles:

I agree with others; the problem isn’t overexposure in this case, but masking. You probably should be using the tone equalizer instead of a duplicate of exposure with a mask (or you’d need to adjust the mask more).

Here’s my edit in darktable 4.2.0 that attempts to go for the feeling of yours, mainly using stacks of tone equalizers and color balance with filmic:

20221228_162401_0065_01.ORF.xmp (19.3 KB)

A slight edit to balance the color of the mountain and trees to something more neutral, to make the skiier more of a focus would look like this:

20221228_162401_0065_03.ORF.xmp (18.9 KB)

The only difference is adjusting the colors in the color balance RGB module for the orange mountain and trees… but I prefer the orange one (which is closer to yours) more. The orange warmth adds to the feeling of the image, especially contrasting with the cold blue of the ice.

I often use the waveform, even though I must confess that being so dark and small I struggle to read it.

In fact that slope in the background was white, since it was covered with snow. It resulted in orange in my edit probably because of a white balance issue, as others have pointed out.

You can edit this…add a black background to the graph and max out the color values… I think the settings may be there for a good reason but you can tweak it so it looks more like the one in vkdt…


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